BlueGold® Fusion FLWR 7-4-2 (Dry Paste) (NOP) – BlueGold® by Eden Solutions

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BlueGold® Fusion FLWR 7-4-2 (Dry Paste) (NOP)

(6 customer reviews)


BlueGold® Fusion FLWR is a very powerful NPK for use in the Vegetative stage. NOTE: We meet NOP requirements for this product to be used through harvest without manure restrictions – NOP Ref 5006. Please contact your certifier before purchase and use. This product is listed with major USDA Agents like Pennsylvania Certified Organic, among others.

All Eden BlueGold® Solutions are 100% formulated, made, and manufactured in America by a family-founded, owned, operated, and Veteran-led business.

For more information on BlueGold® Fusion FLWR, please call us at 1-307-275-7010 or email
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This product is super-concentrate paste and will come in a double-sized container. 1 gallon will come in a 2.5-gallon bucket. Fusion also comes in 2.5-gallon and 4-gallon buckets on freight orders only due to ground damages.

For best results, BlueGold® Fusion FLWR should only be applied in accordance with an Apical Soil/Plant Sap Analysis. Results should dictate ongoing application rates. NOTE: We meet NOP requirements for this product to be used through harvest without manure restrictions – NOP Ref 5006. Please contact your certifier before purchase and use. This product is listed with major USDA Agents like Pennsylvania Certified Organic among others.

BlueGold® Fusion FLWR undergoes our Eden Synergy micronization process to maximize immediate bioavailability and is combined with our flagship BlueGold® technology. We process the raw sources using only mechanical means, zero chemicals, acids, or solvents of any kind. Because of this, Fusion FLWR is a living Solution. This means we enhance the natural biology that comes from these sources, and because this Solution contains carbohydrates, you may see fungi growth inside your container. This is normal. Please mix the Solution and continue to feed as usual. Because Fusion FLWR has Silicates inside, you may experience hardening of this Solution over time. Please use Fusion FLWR within 12 months of purchase and keep this container inside a cool, temperature-controlled environment with a sealed lid. Because storage can vary, you may find use of our Solution 3+ years after purchase. We have Fusion FLWR that is over 12 years old, it would just need to be rehydrated.

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Proper nutrient levels are the backbone of any grow cycle. However, something not discussed very often is Deliverable Nutrition which is balanced PPM ratios for optimum uptake. Proven time and again at the University level, nutrient uptake is not a singular element-by-element event. Even though there may be abundant Phosphate in the soil, not much will be uptake without Calcium levels. The deficiency of Boron is directly related to Magnesium problems even though there may be sufficient Magnesium levels. The Earth is like a 250-count Crayon box, and when it comes time to replenish colors that have been used up, it requires more than just a 3-count Crayon box (NPK). Under this minimalist effort, eventually, your soil will run out of vital “co-pilot” nutrients and suffer significantly from minimal production.



BlueGold® Fusion FLWR is a very dense nutrient product and is the NPK you need for the Flowering Growth Cycle. Our BlueGold® Fusion FLWR undergoes our trade secret Eden Synergy micronization process, maximizing immediate bioavailability and combining our ingredient sources with our flagship BlueGold® technology. BlueGold® Fusion FLWR is formulated from NOP Compliant Seabird Guano, Calcium Phosphate, Olivine, Biotite, Kelp Extract, Bat Guano, Soy Protein Hydrosylate, Earthworm Castings, Sunflower Ash, and Carbohydrates for 100% All-Natural NPK Water-Soluble Paste. It is a trade-secret manufactured without high heat, acids, solvents, or harsh chemicals to reveal higher levels of nutrients and preserve inherent all-natural biological strains.  The BlueGold® Fusion FLWR ingredients are micronized via mechanical processes. Find our BlueGold® Fusion VEG (NOP) here.

BlueGold® Fusion FLWR is 100% biodegradable with a slow nutrient-feed release design. There is no longer a need to pay for water mixed nutrients and water-insoluble powders. Fusion FLWR is water-soluble; it is also in a paste form. It needs to be broken up. This paste form is superior to a granular and saves filtration headaches. Users repeatedly experience dramatic increases in flower nutrient uptake timelines and efficiency. This increased uptake with properly balanced nutrition in plant sap/pH boosts remarkable results like amazing flower density, aromas, and trichomes, tight internode stacking, and extreme florals in flower. BlueGold® Fusion FLWR causes extreme root growth – caution with plastic/cloth pots because root bounding causes plant stress. BlueGold® Fusion FLWR is a flower-safe pH-balanced solution, and we recommend keeping soil/sap pH at 6.35 in flower for best flower/blooms. Just like Fusion VEG, Fusion FLWR is a very powerful NPK. Always err on the side of caution and use lesser rates on initial use.

We stress not to use BlueGold® Solutions with ‘salt nutrition’ and/or in high excess media (especially Na, Cl, S, Al, Mg, K). BlueGold® magnifies what it comes into contact with, and when you fertigate with BlueGold® and then foliar, you induce the plant to pull up the nutrients through the roots. If you’re growing in/with an excess enhanced type of media/ inputs, then you’re also inducing the plant to pull those excesses up as well. A huge sign of a salt-based nutrition program is plants that grow extremely fast during Veg. The plants are really ‘leggy’ with far apart internode spacing. You’ll often see spots on the leaves, ‘tip burn’ on new flush, and/or burn spots on the stalk/bottom of the plant. Excesses like these will stop new growth because they step all over Calcium, Phosphate, and Nitrogen. Farmers can’t just roll up their fields and start over. We have to clean up the excesses. 

NOTE: We meet NOP requirements for this product to be used through harvest without manure restrictions – NOP Ref 5006. Please contact your certifier before purchase and use. This product is listed with major USDA Agents like Pennsylvania Certified Organic among others.



BlueGold® Fusion FLWR should only be applied in accordance with an Apical Soil/Plant Sap Analysis. Results should dictate ongoing application rates. This is a very powerful NPK. Always err on the side of caution and use lesser rates on initial use. Safe for all plants in the flowering growth stage.

Do not use with synthetically enhanced or grow media with excesses of Na Sodium, Chlorides, Aluminum, Sulfur, Magnesium, Potassium, NO3/NH4, Iron, and Boron with BlueGold®. We strongly recommend avoiding ocean-based products high in Na Sodium, Chlorides, and other salts with our Solutions and Sulfur-based products, salt, and heavy metal humus, manures (primarily commercial), and composts (especially mushroom, dead animal, etc.), etc. These inputs are upside down with excesses. The BlueGold® Grow System is based on balanced Nutritionals. By itself, BlueGold®, at recommended rates using Apical Testing, will not harm ANY crop, plant, biology, system, human, animal, environment, pollinator, or beneficial (including birds, butterflies, earthworms, etc.)Do NOT combine with pesticides/chemicals/plant cleaners/etc. Very recent or current use of chemicals like fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, algaecides, bactericides, miticides, pesticides, biocides, fumigants, plant growth regulators, pH Up/Down chemicals, dyes, etc., – all can cause an unfavorable interaction due to the Wetting Agent properties of BlueGold® Solutions, which can magnify the strength of said chemical. Strengthened doses of those chemicals can result in direct stress, burning, or death of plants. BlueGold® Solutions by themselves, at recommended rates, without chemical interactions, will never cause these issues in any plant or soil (when used as directed)Users must respect BlueGold® labels and manufacturer warnings to not combine with chemical/synthetic/excess element inputs by +/- 90%. It is the user’s choice against our directions/recommendations. If you encounter problems in the plants from the previously mentioned by your choice, STOP. If you quickly move the pH to 6.4 with the help of pH adjusters, without adjusting inputs, you’re drastically making inputs more available, which results in stressed, burned, or dead plants from too big of a hit from the nutrients that are now available at a much higher % than previously. This is especially true when all the chemical/synthetic/excesses stored up flood the plants at even higher EC/PPM values. Likewise, if you do not adjust inputs while using BlueGold®, as soil/sap pH is driven to 6.4, the same can happen over an extended period depending on soil and watering conditions. Store in a cool place.

As the manufacturer, we offer a 100% Guarantee when used as directed, within the Eden Guaranteed Grow Program. A limited guarantee restricted to exclusive use with BlueGold® products and systems subject to the Apical soil, sap, water testing conditions, and Postal damages. No warranty or fitment of purpose promised.

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