BlueGold® Animal Mineral Blend (NOP) – BlueGold® by Eden Solutions

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BlueGold® Animal Mineral Blend (NOP)


Our complete Animal Mineral bLend has been a field study proven to lower somatic cell count.


For more information on BlueGold® Animal Mineral Blend, please call us at 1-307-275-7010 or email
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BlueGold® Animal Mineral Blend is formulated from biologically preserved NOP-compliant ingredients specifically targeting the major compounds critical to the animal’s overall health, immune system, bone support, and vitality. The highest quality ingredients with minimal ‘trace’ elements ensure we can get maximal results without causing or furthering nutrient excesses in the diet. If you look at most ‘trace element’ analyses, they are primarily comprised of toxic heavy metal PPMs and marketed to the farmer as a ‘bonus.’ For example, many farmers are plagued with common issues that directly result from a nutritive input that is being given in excess to the animal, such as high cell count, hoof rot, hairy wart, high levels of parasites in the blood, pink eye, blindness, and accelerated accumulation in carcinoma. Farmers are not strangers to the knowledge of excesses causing severe detriment, such as Copper in sheep. 

Our BlueGold® Animal Mineral Blend is a unique blend of highly activated biochar, micronized pure Aragonite [negatively charged, available Calcium], micronized high-density low trace Soft Rock Phosphate [0% water-soluble Aluminum], pure Silicate, non-Leonardite Humate [biology package – we avoid Leonardite and coal humates because they are very high in Aluminum and Lead], Magnesium Silicate, Moringa Leaf and Seed Powder [vitamin package], low Chloride Sea Salt. In the blending process, we have used new inventions principled after Viktor Schauberger and his exceptional discoveries to preserve the inherent di-electric (ionic) and magnetic properties through the non-use of any steel components. It can be noted that our mineral blend lacks sulfated or sodium-bound micronutrients and synthetically produced vitamins. Instead, we have provided one of the most nutrient-dense plant foliage known to man, the Moringa Leaf. 

Today, most mineral feeds are over-promising trace elements with a veritable excess of salts and under-delivering essential macronutrients. Phosphate is key to producing Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) in animals. If the wrong source of Phosphate (Monocalcium or Dicalcium Phosphate) is used, it will hinder it instead of helping it. These artificial Phosphates made by mixing Hi-Cal Lime (Calcium Hydroxide) with Phosphoric Acid are called Calcium Phosphate Precipitates. They have been shown to inhibit ATP product rate, whereas matrix-free Calcium (Aragonite) does not. (S Malyala 2019). Sulfated micronutrients and elemental Sulfur lead to a Sulfur excess, which rushes in rot, disease, and mold issues. Colorado State has found that high Sulfur decreases Copper bio-availability and directly leads to brain diseases in Cattle. (Dan Gould DVM, Professor of Pathology, CSU) Sodium-bound micros and their excess salt (Sodium Chloride) being added into most feed minerals is causing massive cardiovascular and inflammatory issues (high cell counts) and high mortality rates (SB Penner 2007). Additionally, the massive overload in salts is being proven to show renal effects and failure from high salt diets (J Schlote 2013)

We live in a business world where the primary concern is that businesses identify a market and develop the cheapest product with the highest profit margin they can sell. In contrast, results beyond what is needed for a repeat order are often not discussed or a concern. This standard has led to a vitamin and supplement industry that cares not for the quality of its ingredients but rather for the lowest cost. Significant research is available to show that Monocalcium and Dicalcium Phosphate are extremely poor choices for your animal feed mineral, and yet they are used in 9.99 out of 10 feed products. Why? 

BlueGold® products are about one thing, first and foremost: results. Second, restoring the farmer’s financial status quo by offering an answer to the problems rather than another concoction to that another symptom. We do not sell products. We build relationships, so we can together build a better farm with truth and results. 



Average 0.021 grams per pound of animal weight per day. Add in and mix with animal feed. Replaces all other mineral feed additives (i.e., conditioners, salts, clays, lime, etc). Note: The application rate can be less or more. It is recommended to start low and walk up to 0.021 grams to find what rate your animal likes, which gives you a continuous production increase. We see excellent results in grass-fed operations at 0.016 grams per # because the right proteins are fed to the animal. Too much-undigested protein is causing UREA build-up in the animals. We are tracking this and altering feed recipes when we enter new operations. Please contact James for more information: 1-307-275-7010 or email

Average of 1.68 grams per day for 80# animal [goats], 18.9 grams for 900# animal [horse], and 29.4 grams for 1400# animal [dairy cow] per day. 

There are 454 grams per pound and 28.4 grams per ounce with 16 oz per 1 lb.:
A 5-gallon bucket of Animal Mineral Blend weighs 30lbs [13,620 grams]
A 55-gallon drum of Animal Mineral Blend weighs 340lbs [154,360 grams]
A tote of Animal Mineral Blend weighs 2150# [976,100 grams]

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, virus, and/or pathogen. The FDA has not evaluated this product, label, and statements thereon. It is formulated from Certified Organic and NOP Compliant raw ingredients, and its effectiveness for one or more benefits cannot be warrantied or guaranteed. Users assume all risks and liabilities when using or handling this product. It’s important to note that this product is not a substitute for professional advice, and users should always consult a qualified livestock consultant for specific recommendations.



BlueGold® Products, Equipment, and Services do not guarantee or warranty product fitment, results, accuracy, or success. Your conditions of use, usage of products, and choice recommendations are beyond our control. BlueGold® recommendations are a ‘good faith’ suggested use rate – BlueGold® is a manufacturer, not a qualified livestock consultant – Users of BlueGold® must always defer to their consultant and/or self-determined usage in accordance with relevant testing. Usage of BlueGold® products may require equipment or equipment amendments prior to use to avoid equipment malfunctions. Customers are solely responsible for ensuring their equipment is properly set up to handle any given or combination of inputs. BlueGold® specifically disclaims any responsibility or liability relating to the use of the suggested products, equipment, or services and will under no circumstances whatsoever be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages which may arise from such use. Use of this product is acceptance of this disclaimer; if you do not accept, you can return for a full refund minus the shipping cost of your initial unused purchase.

Weight 17 lbs
Dimensions 7.2 × 5 × 10.6 in

30# (5 Gal Bucket), 340# (55 Gal Bucket), 2150# Tote


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