“Someday we shall look back on this dark era of agriculture and shake our heads. How could we have ever believed that it was a good idea to grow our food with poisons?”
Why are farms requiring more solutions but still generating less production? Modern Agriculture seems to be in a race to the bottom, by its continuing self-proclamation of problematic conditional increases. The same products and methods that have been practiced for decades are leading towards exponentially steeper and steeper declines in both production and animal health.
At Eden Solutions, we are very passionate about what we do. We are consistent in the endeavor for prove positive results through research and development. The true definition of science is ‘from experiment to observation.’ When we recognize a problematic condition we pick it apart piece by piece; and research documents, studies, patents, experiments, ideas, etc. from throughout history. We consider everything. By not focusing on single puzzle pieces, we sought after the complete masterpiece.
When we realized that it wasn’t just about cellular deliverable nutrition but that water, lighting, manure, etc., were hindering production we built an entire Animal System to go with our Cellular Deliverable Nutrition Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® Solutions. Our Animal System starts the reversal of declining cycles and begins the repair of the foundation. It is built around Light, Water, Magnetism, Biology/Bacteria, and Proper Ratios of Cellular Deliverable Nutrition to decrease stress and inflammation in animals.
At Eden Solutions, we are very passionate about what we do. We are consistent in the endeavor for prove positive results through research and development. The true definition of science is ‘from experiment to observation.’ When we recognize a problematic condition we pick it apart piece by piece; and research documents, studies, patents, experiments, ideas, etc. from throughout history. We consider everything. By not focusing on single puzzle pieces, we sought after the complete masterpiece.
When we realized that it wasn’t just about cellular deliverable nutrition but that water, lighting, manure, etc., were hindering production we built an entire Animal System to go with our Cellular Deliverable Nutrition Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® Solutions. Our Animal System starts the reversal of declining cycles and begins the repair of the foundation. It is built around Light, Water, Magnetism, Biology/Bacteria, and Proper Ratios of Cellular Deliverable Nutrition to decrease stress and inflammation in animals.
With any industry, innovation is key to discovering improved ways to increase profits and production. Poultry plays a large part of the American economy, not to mention the entire world, yet the poultry industry experiences marginal gains and more often operates off of fractional profits. Seemingly, each year brings new diseases and health issues and concerns. Combine these with new or resurfaced symptoms, and havoc is being wrecked on production profits. We feel the patched style ‘answers’ provided by the industry seem to offer little significant improvement. What is the problem? What is the solution? These two questions drive us to look past just treating a symptom. At Eden, we do not confine ourselves to any norm, but instead, delve into all avenues of possibility. We take into consideration the experiences and data learned by individuals. Regardless if from a farmer or from a scientist. In poultry, the problems seem infinite. To find solutions, we went back to the basics.
Proverbs 27:33: “… Know the state of thy flocks and look well to thy herds.” Pastured chickens on average can live 12 years while laying 0.891 (+/-) eggs per day while their commercial counterparts on average live 1.55 years and only lay 0.825 (+/-) eggs per day. What external and internal conditions do pastured birds have that commercial birds do not? The foundation of Eden Solutions is our passion for Research, Development, and Results. We have tried nearly every “remedy” and pseudoscience solution out there. In conclusion, our results were never consistent because the symptoms and conditions were not always consistent. The unknown cause stayed the same.
Proverbs 27:33: “… Know the state of thy flocks and look well to thy herds.” Pastured chickens on average can live 12 years while laying 0.891 (+/-) eggs per day while their commercial counterparts on average live 1.55 years and only lay 0.825 (+/-) eggs per day. What external and internal conditions do pastured birds have that commercial birds do not? The foundation of Eden Solutions is our passion for Research, Development, and Results. We have tried nearly every “remedy” and pseudoscience solution out there. In conclusion, our results were never consistent because the symptoms and conditions were not always consistent. The unknown cause stayed the same.
During the early 1900s, experts could identify fewer than 10 known problematic avian diseases. Today, we have many more resources and much more knowledge, but why still a significant continuous increase in poultry related problematic conditions? For example, the Poultry Site’s Quick Diseases Guide lists 140-plus avian diseases and counting. What is opening the door for diseases and pathogens to worsen year after year? What is the compounding cause leading to lower quality production decade after decade?
The computer industry was founded on large vacuum tubes to conduct or control current. They were made almost only from gases and filaments. Years of standard development revealed new tubes with better gases or new metal type filaments. It wasn’t until 1959 that Robert Noyce developed the first semiconductor as an integrated circuit (computer chip) using the mineral, Quartz (Silica). Today’s computer automated world would not be possible if Noyce had not looked for innovation outside the industry standard. Standard research will only produce standard results. Innovation has always been fueled by thinking outside of the proverbial box. The advances of the Industrial Revolution and its innovators are prime examples.
The computer industry was founded on large vacuum tubes to conduct or control current. They were made almost only from gases and filaments. Years of standard development revealed new tubes with better gases or new metal type filaments. It wasn’t until 1959 that Robert Noyce developed the first semiconductor as an integrated circuit (computer chip) using the mineral, Quartz (Silica). Today’s computer automated world would not be possible if Noyce had not looked for innovation outside the industry standard. Standard research will only produce standard results. Innovation has always been fueled by thinking outside of the proverbial box. The advances of the Industrial Revolution and its innovators are prime examples.
By focusing on the cause and going back to the basics, the ‘issue’ explained itself: Stress! The symptoms of stress reveal a compounding self-feeding cycle of chaos. Examples: headache and muscle pains, fatigue, non-existent sex drive, digestion malfunction, restlessness, irritability and anger, over or under eating, hair loss, etc. [1] Compare to the above Mayo Clinic findings - these are all symptoms of extreme stress manifested into inflammation. Stress in chickens — and other animals — manifests in three forms: physical, emotional, and chemical. Stress, without fail, is the consistent cause to every low production bird we have studied. As a results driven company, we spent significant time and research into identifying the largest stress inducers in poultry.
John Ikerd said, “We bent nature to serve our needs. We achieved the economies of large-scale, specialized production as we applied the principles, strategies, and technologies of industrialization to farming.”
John Ikerd said, “We bent nature to serve our needs. We achieved the economies of large-scale, specialized production as we applied the principles, strategies, and technologies of industrialization to farming.”
All growers know of high mortality, poor feed conversion, high feed intake, lower production, floor eggs, thin shells, low or slow weight gain, cannibalism, feather loss, pest and disease issues, etc. Compounding stress causes compounding symptoms, and the cycle escalates. This leads to profit-robbing conditions such as a greater susceptibility to parasites and diseases, higher labor inputs, increased feed consumption, and lower production cycles. Guaranteed. Recognizing and understanding foundational causes of these stress-induced problems is key to solving them. Often, poultry studies conclude, “we have isolated the viral pathogens that cause the…” [2] and the study continues — we have to question what created the condition precedent for the viruses to take root. Research should direct Development. The ability to show a foundation is crucial on understanding what causes the conditions establishing a favorable environment for virus survivability. You want to treat the cause, not the effect.

Averages of Pastured vs Commercial
An animal’s eye displays their stress and inflammation levels. You may see things like dilated pupils (enlarged), swollen eyeball, and/or swollen or broken blood vessels (subconjunctival) in the sclera (whites) of the eyes. This simple investigation helps you evaluate your animals and if your current protocols work or not. We consistently see stress relief results in as little as 24-48 hours when our Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® Animal System [3] is administered. You can see these eye conditions diminish and animals calm down when any product/protocol works — this is true every time. For example in layers, you will witness no more flying into walls and equipment, a considerable reduction in floor eggs, ceased cannibalization, decreased mortality, ceased feather plucking, an increase in harder and thicker shells, reduced feed consumption, and overall increased production. You should see these results quickly. If your current (or new) protocol is not responding quickly, it is not working correctly.
Let’s get into how stress impacts your production. Our findings identified 11 important influences responsible for causing severe stress in poultry: Phytic Acid, Fats, Biofilm, Immune Response, Light, Water, Grounding, Toxins, Ammonia, Salts, and Nutritional Deficiencies. All, or some, of these stressors, are found in virtually all organic and non-organic commercial poultry operations today. These compounding elements, among others, lead to unbalanced birds, parasite, disease, reproductive troubles, and overall profit and production losses.
Let’s get into how stress impacts your production. Our findings identified 11 important influences responsible for causing severe stress in poultry: Phytic Acid, Fats, Biofilm, Immune Response, Light, Water, Grounding, Toxins, Ammonia, Salts, and Nutritional Deficiencies. All, or some, of these stressors, are found in virtually all organic and non-organic commercial poultry operations today. These compounding elements, among others, lead to unbalanced birds, parasite, disease, reproductive troubles, and overall profit and production losses.

(1) Phytic Acid (C₆H₁₈O₂₄P₆) locks out nutrients
Phytic Acid is an oxidized stored form of Phosphate (OH, HO, O, and P) found in seeds and grain coatings. Hydrogen is one of the strongest known oxidizers. This oxidized form prevents degradation of the seed/grain. Phytic Acid has a strong binding affinity to the dietary minerals: Calcium, Iron, and Zinc [etc.] - inhibiting their absorption. [4] Non-ruminant animals lack the ability to breakdown Phytic Acid because they lack the digestive enzyme Phytase. [5] A pastured chicken’s diet contains only a fraction of Phytic Acid because they mainly consume Omega-3 fats, which are high in Vitamin K nutritional activators. [6] But high amounts of Phytic Acid is found in seeds and grains with high Omega-6 fats, which is abundant in today's grain-based commercial feed systems. As the Phytic Acid causes the nutrient lockout, birds overeat in an attempt to chase minimal and lacking nutritionals to bring themselves back into a nutritional balance.The benefit of balanced nutrition is a widely accepted fact today. When Phytic Acid locks out Calcium, Zinc, and Iron, it also locks other corresponding micronutrients out. This results in an improper nutrient ratio balance and this stress factor induces further stress symptoms. The occasional consumption, of Phytic Acid, by the pastured birds, differs from the exclusive high diet for commercial birds.
Many studies report an immediate Omega-3 boost in eggs and meat when poultry are pastured because, in general, weeds are higher in Omega-3s than seeds. Mike Badger, the executive director and publisher of the American Pastured Poultry Producers Association (APPPA), says that besides higher concentrations of vitamins A, E, and D, the “absolutely flooring result” of his organization’s 2013 study was that, compared with the USDA Omega-6 to Omega-3 reference ratio of 15-to-1, the meat from pastured birds fed industry standard ratios had, on average, an 8-to-1 fatty-acid-ratio. Meat from birds fed no-soy ratios was even better at 3-to-1. Consumers are being informed by influencers, such as Dr. Oz and Oprah, on the health benefits that are associated with consuming high Omega-3 eggs and meat.
(2) Consuming the incorrect fats
“Numerous studies have demonstrated that the adrenal gland is extremely rich in lipids, especially cholesterol [Omega-3] and that stress… causes depletion of lipids, particularly cholesterol.” [7] Fats run the Endocrine System (adrenals and supporting hormone glands). When hormones are out of sync, imbalances arise as damaging inputs and external influences occur.What causes adrenal fatigue? Low levels of the right fats and high levels of the wrong ones. Lets logically look at the pastured chicken who consumes 80% Omega-3 fats, high in Vitamin K activators, in their diet, while the commercial chicken is force fed 80% Omega-6 fats, mostly devoid of Vitamin K activators. This imbalance, coupled with stress, leads to malfunctioning hormone production and adrenal fatigue. It is followed by increased Cortisol (defense mechanism) production, due to the inflammation onset, which generates less lean meat and more body fat and woody breast meat. These further encourage greater stress accumulations.
This improper Omega 3/6 balance is detrimental in adolescent birds, who should get their developmental hormones primarily during the chick and pullet cycles. But, they are not. Proper Omega-3 levels will set the stage for optimal growth and production cycles in the adolescent birds — optimum hormone production results from balanced fats and activators in the diet.
High Omega-3 fat sources (are recognized today too) improve the absorption of nutrients in feeds consumed at the same time. The direct link to this ability is Vitamin K. Omega-3 is also the primary learned carrier of Calcium from the blood to skin and feathers. Vitamin D is converted and then stored in the liver when fatty acids stored in the skin are exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D grabs Calcium in the intestines aiding digestion via Hydrochloric Acid production and carries it into the blood.“Vitamin K2 is the substance that makes the vitamin A- and vitamin D-dependent proteins come to life. While vitamins A and D act as signaling molecules, telling cells to make certain proteins, vitamin K2 activates these proteins by conferring upon them the physical ability to bind Calcium. In some cases, these proteins directly coordinate the movement or organization of Calcium themselves.” [8] This is just another way how fats play a critical foundational role in nutrient absorption and processes. This observation is being primarily underestimated in the industry’s ‘production increase’ category. One health example, you may see in your poultry, that stems from this Omega 3/6 imbalance is where the lungs dry out, and you see chronic respiratory disease set in. This occurs when low levels of Omega 3 are present.
Follow this chain reaction:
(1) Incorrect salt in a bird’s diet
(2) Leads to improper resistance (pH) in the gut
(3) Reducing Calcium breakdown
(4) Followed by low sunlight exposure
(5) Resulting in low vitamin D production
(6) Causing low Calcium activation by Vitamin K
(7) Now even less Calcium is available to aid digestion and poultry’s eggshell needs
(8) Followed by a grain/seed Omega-6 fat diet high in Phytic Acid
(9) Which locks out Calcium, Iron, Zinc, etc.
(10) Introducing adrenal fatigue and erratic hormone production
(11) Compounding stress daily
(12) Attacking your production levels on all fronts.
(3) Biofilms create Leaky Gut
Biofilms exist everywhere today. The one you might be most familiar with is teeth plaque, which can cause tooth decay and gum disease. A biofilm has one or more types of bacteria or molds, and their ability to share nutrients and DNA allows them to change to evade the immune system. Since biofilms need little to no oxygen, fewer nutrients, and can alter the resistance (pH) at the core, they are a hostile community for most antibiotics. The biofilm format is a physical barrier that keeps most immune cells from detecting the pathogenic bacteria [9] — the NIH associates over 80% of human bacterial infections with bacterial biofilm. [10] Fact, when treating diseases and illnesses associated with biofilms, using antibiotics is an uphill battle. Surfactants are shown to prevail as an inhibitory effect against bacterial biofilm formation. This is one reason our Grand Champion PME® solution combats them exceptionally well upon contact. [11]It is said, the brain talks to the stomach 10% of the time, but the stomach talks to the brain 90% of the time. The gut system is absolutely critical. Period. Ignorance and lack of attention to gut health is another critical part to derailing the nutrient train. The health of the gut is directly linked to resistance (pH) from the health and quality of the feeds and water being consumed.
Today, feeds can house mycotoxins [12], molds, chemical residues, and other indigestible components. These help open the door to anaerobic biofilm buildup in the crop, proventriculus, gizzard, duodenal loop, and small/large intestines. Biofilms coat the small intestine milieu, which hinders nutrient uptake and assimilation. Biofilms in these areas contribute to inferior digestive power and leaky gut syndrome as they create membrane cavities.
These four stress factors (salt, Phytic Acid, fats, and biofilms) are quick to compound. They present a guaranteed condition for the birds to overeat to gain energy to combat stress and compensate for nutritional imbalances. There are still eight more stress factors to discuss.

Credit: Bay Area Lyme Foundation
(4) Immune System attacks lead to polypeptide allergies
Central headquarters for the immune system is the network of blood vessels right above the small intestine. Biofilms introduce punctures in many places, but the small intestine is where particles of undigested proteins and foods (polypeptides) pass through the breach. Immune cells try to correct these large undigested food particles by producing antibodies. This leads to polypeptide feed allergies when the problem is in repeated excess. As stress factors increase, the efficiency of the immune system is further affected as blood pressure rises and heart rate increases. Stress factors impact hormone production which inhibits immune processes and disturbs the digestive system. The bird’s entire defense system against disease is profoundly troubled by considerations of accumulating stress.Kiecolt-Glaser et al. found that immune responses were especially weak when stressed or experiencing factors which cause negative chemical conditions. As extensively studied at the non-profit Cleveland Clinic, long-term stress will cause intestinal inflammation (inflammatory bowels). This leads and supports Brady, J.V. (1958) that long-term stress exponentially increases the release of fatty acids (fats needed for Adrenals) into the bloodstream whereby they clump creating today’s ‘cholesterol’ problem from poor diet (and Omega 3/6 imbalances).
In the early 1980s, animal studies that linked stress and infection intrigued Ohio State University College of Medicine psychologist Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, Ph.D. and immunologist Ronald Glaser, Ph.D. They found that immunity went down continually under continued simple stress; and production of immunity-boosting gamma interferon stopped. It was also noted that infection-fighting T-cells responded only weakly to test-tube stimulation. This opened the floodgates, and by 2004 the University of Kentucky and the University of British Columbia had nearly 300 studies on stress and health. Long term or chronic stress and inflammation can ravage the immune system.

Credit: Michael Hannan
(5) Artificial light frequencies hinder digestion
The depriving of full natural light spectrums by the poultry industry has directly affected the stress levels of birds to a greater degree than any other factor in the industry. This affects production more so than any other stress factor. Life via Mitochondria thrives off of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). We refer to Mitochondria as the cellular jet engine and the ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) as the jet fuel that runs all living matter. ATP is a powerful energy source converted through inputs of approx. 70% light, 2% fats, and 28% nutrition. You can live approx. 60 days without food, 4-6 days without water, and approx. 15 seconds without ATP. The lack of or hindrance of proper natural light frequencies directly impacts ATP production - manifesting in symptoms attributed to lowered production and increased disease/pest presence. Catabolism (metabolic breaking down process) fuels Anabolism (metabolic energy building up process), which fuels ATP and in turn fuels hormones. Hormones tell the entire system to be in either a catabolic or anabolic state. All of this stems from gut health and brain communication and leads back to the fat driven adrenal glands that manufacture hormones. Light matters in animal health and production. Changing improper light frequencies to a full spectrum lighting environment can make visibly drastic and immediate improvements.This photo is from the Graham & Stetzer Chicken Embryo Experiment.18 The baby chickens shown here were hatched in an incubator. The chick on the right is a sample of what the chicks looked like that were not exposed to ‘dirty power’. The chick on the left is a sample of what the chicks looked like that were exposed to dirty power for 30 minutes on the 10th day of being in the incubator. Noticeable deformities and burn marks are visible.
A 60% short violet/blue along with 40% long orange/red offers a more balanced full-color light spectrums with both UV spectrums present. But even better is to give birds access to direct, unfiltered UV sunlight. Most poultry houses have little, if any, natural sunlight available to their birds. This will compound Vitamin D deficiencies and greatly hinder digestion.
Over 63,000 published studies on synthesized Vitamin D has the entire medical profession divided on synthesized vitamin D supplements. Studies have verified that mid-day UVB exposure will out produce any Vitamin D supplement. Just as many controlled studies show animals showing pathological damage from consuming synthesized vitamin D mediocre levels comparatively [13] — they can attribute improper sunlight exposure to sensitive skin, plucking/pecking, and many other physiological disorders among the birds, just as in all other confined animals and humans. [14] All three UV spectrums (A/B/C) are present in Creation and critically required by all plant and animal photosynthesis.
Over 63,000 published studies on synthesized Vitamin D has the entire medical profession divided on synthesized vitamin D supplements. Studies have verified that mid-day UVB exposure will out produce any Vitamin D supplement. Just as many controlled studies show animals showing pathological damage from consuming synthesized vitamin D mediocre levels comparatively [13] — they can attribute improper sunlight exposure to sensitive skin, plucking/pecking, and many other physiological disorders among the birds, just as in all other confined animals and humans. [14] All three UV spectrums (A/B/C) are present in Creation and critically required by all plant and animal photosynthesis.
“…that botanical gardens and zoos use UV light emitting glazing because it keeps reptiles and other animals alive and healthy longer.”
(6) Without proper water, healing and growth are hindered
Just as in humans, animals are composed primarily of water over any other substance. As a company, we emphasize water quality. Most of US groundwater can test positive for the following contaminants, but not limited too: Glyphosate [15], Dioxins, Nitrates, Arsenic, DDT, HBCD, HCB, NPB, TCE, PCE, MtBE, PCBs, Dacthal, Perchlorates, Mercury, Fluoride, Bromide, Atrazine, Chlorine, Chlorides, Sodium Salts, Aldehydes, Biocides, Aluminum, Tetrachlorethene, Pharmaceuticals, Lead, Estrogen Hormones, and Bisphenol-A (BPA). At Eden, we are not advocates of allowable limits. Toxins are detrimental at any level. Oxford Research Encyclopedia states, “We have systematically depleted our natural resources, like fossil fuel and water, and polluted them further through the use of glyphosate and other pesticides. Worldwide, farmers use over 3 million tons of pesticides annually.” One MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab study found that over time, glyphosate slowly damages delicate gut flora, leading to chronic diseases rooted in gut dysfunction. When the delicate lining of the gut gets damaged, it makes it more difficult to absorb vitamins and minerals from our food.“Glyphosate is a chelating agent...in the food, it binds all the trace minerals. They’re no longer available for absorption. It depletes us of trace minerals....It works like a shuttle agent for aluminum. It binds aluminum, takes it across the gut wall into the tissues, and distributes it widely.”
(1) Not all water sources are the same (2) Assuming is not a risk-free habit. We have seen wells on the same water vein, just feet apart, have different compositions in lab analysis and conductivities. The state of water will determine its ability to act as a carrier, penetrate, ability to oxidize pathogens and ionic properties for proper interactions. Water’s purity dictates its efficiency to hydrate and store conductivity (electrolyte) properties.
Ionic (magnetically) balanced water is organized correctly for interaction in cellular nutrition and electrical patterns. Dr. Gerald Pollack, of the University of Washington, calls the concentrate water found in the body, EZ Water, the fourth phase of water. Our point, water is the first line of defense against attacks and dictates the body’s ability to stay strong and hydrate cells to overcome stress. Because of this, we put a considerable emphasis on our water filtration systems. A simple sediment filter is not enough. The contaminants we mentioned above are not sediment issues. We have built inline canister style media filters composed of powerful minerals in specific sequences (other than carbon). These filters can neutralize, grab, and scrub these toxins from the water. Without proper water hydration through consumption, healing and growth are significantly hindered. Proper hydration levels are needed for optimal and effective healing. [16]
A global common solution to the purification of water for use in poultry is the use of Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2). It has been demonstrated to be effective as a broad
Ionic (magnetically) balanced water is organized correctly for interaction in cellular nutrition and electrical patterns. Dr. Gerald Pollack, of the University of Washington, calls the concentrate water found in the body, EZ Water, the fourth phase of water. Our point, water is the first line of defense against attacks and dictates the body’s ability to stay strong and hydrate cells to overcome stress. Because of this, we put a considerable emphasis on our water filtration systems. A simple sediment filter is not enough. The contaminants we mentioned above are not sediment issues. We have built inline canister style media filters composed of powerful minerals in specific sequences (other than carbon). These filters can neutralize, grab, and scrub these toxins from the water. Without proper water hydration through consumption, healing and growth are significantly hindered. Proper hydration levels are needed for optimal and effective healing. [16]
A global common solution to the purification of water for use in poultry is the use of Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2). It has been demonstrated to be effective as a broad
spectrum, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal agent as well as a deodorizer. Chlorine Dioxide has been established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a Sterilizer which is defined as: “to destroy or eliminate all forms of microbial life including fungi, viruses, and all forms of bacteria and their spores.” The EPA, Universities, and Independent Research Labs have extensively studied the effects of Chlorine Dioxide through the power of its oxidation potential on a multitude of specific organism types.
Visit www.edenbluecold.com/water-purification for an Efficacy List. ClO2 acts as an oxidizing agent and reacts in cellular activity. By ‘stealing’ electrons from them (oxidation), it breaks the molecular bonds resulting in the death of the organism. The oxidation potential of ClO2 is 1.57v. To put this into perspective, Hydroxyl free radicals (OH -) are 2.8v, H2O2 is 1.78v, Chlorine is 1.36v, Ozone O3 is 2.07v, Water H2O is 1.23v, and Iodine is 0.54v. The electrochemical potential of these various compounds is what determines how well they will work as a sterilizer. When ClO2 as gas is captured in water as an applicator, its oxidation efficiencies have been insurmountable. To date, no organism tested against Chlorine Dioxide has proved resistant. The pathway to water purification is through the highest and safest oxidant. It should also be noted the most common denominators for the highest electrical potential are Oxygen and Hydrogen. It is not a coincidence that the basis of all life is H2O, and neither that humans, animals, and plants are all majority water! Proper hydration with clean water is your foundational defense with oxidation potential.
Visit www.edenbluecold.com/water-purification for an Efficacy List. ClO2 acts as an oxidizing agent and reacts in cellular activity. By ‘stealing’ electrons from them (oxidation), it breaks the molecular bonds resulting in the death of the organism. The oxidation potential of ClO2 is 1.57v. To put this into perspective, Hydroxyl free radicals (OH -) are 2.8v, H2O2 is 1.78v, Chlorine is 1.36v, Ozone O3 is 2.07v, Water H2O is 1.23v, and Iodine is 0.54v. The electrochemical potential of these various compounds is what determines how well they will work as a sterilizer. When ClO2 as gas is captured in water as an applicator, its oxidation efficiencies have been insurmountable. To date, no organism tested against Chlorine Dioxide has proved resistant. The pathway to water purification is through the highest and safest oxidant. It should also be noted the most common denominators for the highest electrical potential are Oxygen and Hydrogen. It is not a coincidence that the basis of all life is H2O, and neither that humans, animals, and plants are all majority water! Proper hydration with clean water is your foundational defense with oxidation potential.
(7) Birds need grounding. They are D/C bodies in an A/C world
Adequate grounding studies do not exist for animals like they do humans. However, comparative logic helps us correlate scientific facts discovered in humans with how they could affect animals. Dr. Sinatra, in his The Cardiovascular Connection produced repeated results of grounding on blood cells and illustrates a dramatic thinning and decoupling of blood cells. Similarly, a CDC shoe industry study from 1950s-present undeniably showed the rise of diabetes (inflammation) directly matches the increase in synthetic rubber shoe sole production. With a synthetic sole, a person is no longer grounded to the earth because rubber does not conduct. Thermal imaging has been used to give infrared color-coded image maps of the human body, exhibiting ‘hot’ (inflammation) and cold areas. This tool has repeatedly shown the rapid reduction of inflammation after just 30 minutes of grounding. The data of grounding, for humans, is endless. In our research and study, we see this data hold true for animals.One of the largest egg producers in the country stated to us, “cage-free birds present different health challenges than conventional kept caged flocks.” Meaning, metal caged birds have exceptionally less mortality than their cage-free birds. Why is that? Research shows that almost all cage-free bird houses use wood slats, plastic slats, or both. These slats allow the manure to accumulate over time so that growers can clean the house once per 70+/- week period, but do not allow the birds to contact the earth as they elevate them off the ground. The center or side lanes are usually filled with sawdust or rice hull media preventing the birds, again, from connecting to the earth. We have observed birds’ favorite roost spots are on elevated metal piping or equipment. These are neutral planes of migrating dirty electrical frequencies, liken to a bird sitting on a high voltage power line. In most grow operations, non-grounded plastic nesting boxes are also used. These birds - like humans and all animals - run off of D/C power in their bodies. The earth and atmosphere also generate and operate on D/C electric. We all live in an A/C world of electromagnetic dirty frequencies (EMF) [17], and A/C EMF field’s pulse is alternating negative and positive dirty frequencies; which also feeds the electricity through the earth back to the substations in North America. The earth back feeding disrupts the natural grounding of the earth. These electromagnetic fields interact with surroundings, including living tissue, in various ways. Living tissue is a fast absorption point for electromagnetic fields (and A/C dirty currents), and the only way to discharge the collection of these fields is through proper testing and filtering of the dirty electricity and proper earth grounding. Without discharge, these accumulative microvolts (uV) fields build up in living tissue, propounding inflammation and wreaking havoc on the internal electrical system. It is otherwise known as, stress. There are about 8,000 studies showing dirty A/C currents and their detriments.
In a study, an electromagnetic filter was used on the influence of low-frequency electromagnetic fields low as 20 kHz on the development of chicken embryos and found, “…application of Graham/Stetzer filter causes the certain protective effect, reducing death rate of chicken embryos.” [18]
We have noticed that most egg producers use a condo style metal cage. The metal framework helps grounds this style cage and allows the birds to discharge voltage stress better, but A/C filtering is the most powerful option to higher productions. We repeatedly see significant differences in production from these types of cages over non-grounded cages. Similarly, we see vast differences between farms that share all elements but one: running electricity. Grounding discharge is rooted in fact-based science, and can easily be proven with a voltmeter. You can meet consumer’s demand for ‘cage-free’ poultry at reduced input cost and higher profits on the Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® Animal System.
(8) Moderate toxins to offset negative side-effects
A quote from Chemical Engineering News “no one not even the Environmental Protection Agency, knows how many chemicals are in use today. The EPA has more than 85,000 chemicals listed on its inventory of substances falling under the Toxic Substance Act (TCSA)…”The fact remains, a plethora of chemicals are introduced to the air, soils, water aquifer sources, feeds, etc. Problems lie in the toxicity and lack of data on these chemicals and their long-term side effects. A good example of this is Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA): “While C8 was not in existence a century ago, it is now found in over 99 percent of American blood samples, according to analysis from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Many animals have suffered the consequences as the chemical is ubiquitous in the environment and does not degrade. C8, also known as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), is man-made.”
Many farmers have been the guinea pig to large corporations as they enforce their profit driven methods. The control is often out of the farmer’s hands. But when within your control, be diligent in cost-effective practices to ward off any potential unwanted toxin introduction. We recommend you research ingredients, as we do, on everything your birds will come into contact with, both internally and externally. We are not an anti-chemical company, but recognize the wisdom in moderation to offset negative side effect potentials in your livelihood.
(9) Shifting from ammonia (NH3) to ammonium (NH4+) reduces ammonia emissions
Your NO3 is the degrading nitrogen that converts to the ammonia gas NH3 and onto water-soluble NH4+. Think of a composting pile. NH3 is the offensive ammonia gas you smell when you are inside the chicken house. The stronger the smell, the more NH3 in the atmosphere. When the NH3 is converted to NH4+, it captures the NH3 ammonia gas into a matrix that grabs and holds the ammonia gas in a more stable NH4+ state. Our goal with the natural media is to capture and hold as much NH3 gas into the now NH4+ state. By doing this, we will lower the volatile atmosphere ammonia gas levels in the house. The matrix and manure combination now becomes a more high-priced value finished Ag fertilizer product per ton for adding and selling into farm fields.
Reduced NO3 ammonia emission helps ease many health problems observed in poultry flocks — issues such as ascites, gastrointestinal irritation, respiratory diseases, contact dermatitis, foot burns. Studies show when feed fiber content is increased, and feed size in the pellets is lowered the average ammonia levels are reduced by up to 35-50%. These results are attributed to a shift in the partitioning of
Reduced NO3 ammonia emission helps ease many health problems observed in poultry flocks — issues such as ascites, gastrointestinal irritation, respiratory diseases, contact dermatitis, foot burns. Studies show when feed fiber content is increased, and feed size in the pellets is lowered the average ammonia levels are reduced by up to 35-50%. These results are attributed to a shift in the partitioning of
nitrogen excretion from uric acid to microbial protein, and a reduction in manure resistance (pH) stemming from an increased content of microbial-produced volatile fatty acids. This causes a shift from ammonia (NH3) to the more water-soluble ammonium (NH4), thereby reducing ammonia gas emissions.
Fiber provides energy to bacteria in the lower gastrointestinal tract where the bacteria use nitrogen that would otherwise be excreted as uric acid for bacterial protein synthesis. This approach works well and does help a lot with the ammonia reductions. It’s important to note; not all fiber is the best fiber to use. At Eden, we have taken the ammonia reduction results to much higher levels by changing the litter composition. Going back to the higher value, this change usually comes with direct savings for the farmer followed by increased profits. Our litter change dramatically enhances the end manure composition on a fertilization level. This will usually always net the growers a higher post manure sale cost per ton with changing the flocks out and cleaning of the building.
Fiber provides energy to bacteria in the lower gastrointestinal tract where the bacteria use nitrogen that would otherwise be excreted as uric acid for bacterial protein synthesis. This approach works well and does help a lot with the ammonia reductions. It’s important to note; not all fiber is the best fiber to use. At Eden, we have taken the ammonia reduction results to much higher levels by changing the litter composition. Going back to the higher value, this change usually comes with direct savings for the farmer followed by increased profits. Our litter change dramatically enhances the end manure composition on a fertilization level. This will usually always net the growers a higher post manure sale cost per ton with changing the flocks out and cleaning of the building.
(10) Incorrect salt levels and sources
The bird’s gut runs at approximately 1.2 resistance (pH) or lower. Without proper stomach acid levels, digestion malfunctions and the nutrition train derails. Like farm fields, because of the petrochemical NPK onslaught, most all fields are high in salts and chlorides. The same is true in animals who have received too much chemical based salts and chlorides through the feeds and contaminated water supplies. Most animals are bordering on toxicity levels — just like the farm fields that have low production because of high salts/chlorides PPMs in the soil (this will crust the soil). Correct salt levels from correct salt sources (proper ionic/magnetic property balanced 90 minerals) are the governor in proper gut integrity and resistance (pH) balance. Salt and Calcium play key roles in Hydrochloric Acid (stomach acid) production in the gut. Improper gut resistance (pH) leads to acid reflux, food allergies, improper gut flora ratios, gluten glue build up, low pepsin enzyme production, improper fatty acid processes, etc. These conditions open the door to biofilm and hinder proper Biological Biomathematics and protein/amino systems. Some feed allergies stem from partly digested proteins as polypeptides, which enter the bloodstream through small intestine penetrations (leaky gut). Feed additives like ‘flow salt’ (YPS/SPF) contain cyanide and/or anti-caking agent E554 (sodium aluminum silicate), etc. These known toxins can be labeled on feeds as “naturally evaporated” ingredients. They disrupt the correct gut system biology, bile production, and resistance (pH) that properly digests feeds into available water-soluble nutrition.A simple way to understand supplements and nutrients is that if it is not water-soluble, it is not available. This is the key for any nutrient absorption across membrane barriers. Solid feeds can only reach optimized nutritional absorption rates when an animal’s stomach acids, biology, immune system, and body resistance (pH) are in perfect harmony and at proper levels. Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® is the flagship solution of our Animal System because it aids in creating this perfect harmony. We say this with years of user verification, Ph.D. study proven results, and experience on tens of thousands of animals with no known side effects to date. Ask yourself, what if you didn’t need antibiotics, hormones, or other synthetics for overall animal health [20] and you could increase production and profits without them?
(11) Gut problems start with nutritional deficiencies
Meeting the bird’s ever-changing nutritional requirements for growth, development, and production stages based on commercial feed sources that differ from which the animals were designed to run optimally on is a complete losing challenge. This is what the industry is dealing with on a constant daily basis and a big part of why the avian problems are compounding annually. What we are merely conveying is: a commercially grown chicken’s daily nutritional food diet is night and day different (incorrectly) from a free-range bird’s natural nutritional daily diet. A commercial bird is starting with a critical list of total imbalances of Omega 6 fats, Phytic Acid, biology, and vitamin D (from improper light) and vitamin K (lack of Omega 3 fats) deficiencies. Vitamin K (non-existent in Omega 6 fatty acids) is a crucial factor which relates to Calcium, vitamin A and D, fatty acids, and other assimilations. Now compound those problems with problems like incorrect gut resistance (pH), inflammation, biofilm, improper lighting, ammonia, toxic water, toxins, etc., and the derailment is just ahead. Their digestive system is not efficiently converting much of what is being fed to the commercial birds into a water-soluble deliverable nutritional feed source that will fuel their system. The pathway to maximum growth and optimum health starts in the gut. If you glean anything from this article, we hope the simplistic Omega 3/6 fat imbalances paired with little to zero Vitamin K intake will demand further investigation by all who come across this information. It is humbling to visibly see these simple changes quickly steer profit and production. We know that properly fed birds are living years longer with higher productions and outpacing any increased feed cost they may incur.
Examples of how proper ratios of cellular deliverable nutrition impacts the health of animals:
Examples of how proper ratios of cellular deliverable nutrition impacts the health of animals:
• Circulatory System, Arteries, Veins, and Lymphatic
∆ Arteries are the only members of the Circulatory System that have muscles in them to send blood away from the heart.
∆ They pump to aid the heart in moving the blood. If you do not have enough Calcium to Magnesium ratio, they will constrict, but not relax.
∆ When arteries constrict to pump and do not relax the blood pressure will increase.
∆ When Calcium and Magnesium are at normal levels, and in balance with all nutrients, the blood pressure normalizes on its own.
∆ Arteries are the only members of the Circulatory System that have muscles in them to send blood away from the heart.
∆ They pump to aid the heart in moving the blood. If you do not have enough Calcium to Magnesium ratio, they will constrict, but not relax.
∆ When arteries constrict to pump and do not relax the blood pressure will increase.
∆ When Calcium and Magnesium are at normal levels, and in balance with all nutrients, the blood pressure normalizes on its own.
• Lameness (White Muscle Disease in Sheep & Poultry)
∆ Lacking Selenium
∆ Lacking Selenium
• Restless Muscles (Shaky Leg in Turkeys & Broilers)
∆ Lacking Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium
∆ Lacking Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium
• Enzymes and Activators
∆ All enzymes are proteins, but not all proteins are enzymes. Each chemical reaction in the chicken requires its own specific enzyme. Because of this, enzymes can be called organic catalysts because their reactions never change them. Enzymes are named after what they work on: lipase enzymes work on fats, lactase enzymes work on lactose, peptidase/protease enzymes work on proteins, amylase enzymes work on starches, etc. Enzyme helpers or coenzymes are better described as Vitamins. Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® is a coenzyme activator. If the feed enzymes are destroyed when processed and there is a lack of coenzymes, then the pancreas has to work harder to produce enzymes. The pancreas manufacturers and secretes enzymes to break down proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, etc., in the gut system. As a functioning Endocrine Gland, the pancreas secretes hormones of insulin and glucagon to control blood sugar levels throughout the day. Now couple that with lipid breakdown responsibilities and the correct Omega 3 and 6 balance, you now have the key to the Adrenal and Thyroid Endocrine Glands for healthy hormone production and activity.
∆ All enzymes are proteins, but not all proteins are enzymes. Each chemical reaction in the chicken requires its own specific enzyme. Because of this, enzymes can be called organic catalysts because their reactions never change them. Enzymes are named after what they work on: lipase enzymes work on fats, lactase enzymes work on lactose, peptidase/protease enzymes work on proteins, amylase enzymes work on starches, etc. Enzyme helpers or coenzymes are better described as Vitamins. Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® is a coenzyme activator. If the feed enzymes are destroyed when processed and there is a lack of coenzymes, then the pancreas has to work harder to produce enzymes. The pancreas manufacturers and secretes enzymes to break down proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, etc., in the gut system. As a functioning Endocrine Gland, the pancreas secretes hormones of insulin and glucagon to control blood sugar levels throughout the day. Now couple that with lipid breakdown responsibilities and the correct Omega 3 and 6 balance, you now have the key to the Adrenal and Thyroid Endocrine Glands for healthy hormone production and activity.
“A man with experience is never at the mercy of a man with a theory.”
At Eden Solutions, properly balanced ratios of cellular deliverable nutrition is only our foundation. We don’t believe in selling ‘nutritional guesswork’. What would it mean to you, the grower, to know with a 99%+/- degree of certainty your birds’ exact nutrient profile? To know what your birds need in their feed, what they are utilizing, and what they are wasting? Our cutting edge technology will tell you to the 1/100th of a PPM what your birds lack nutritionally and what they require nutritionally. This verification of a complete nutritional delivery program will take the guesswork and waste out of feed nutritionals.
Inflammation directly results from stress. All health issues strongly appear to stem from a singular or multiple stress factors. Inflammation is the birds direct result of a stress-induced condition encountered that manifests as symptoms commonly experienced today. These symptoms carry various titles under many diseases. [21] Instead of fighting inflammation, look to what condition is causing the response reflected as the list of stressors above. [22] By repeatedly hitting these 11 stress buttons, you exponentially compound the stress symptoms of the birds. As the stress compounds, the stressed and weak bird becomes a prime target for disease and pathogens, just as any human.
Like you may have, we have tried many “silver bullets” over the years. We have journeyed down the chemical route further than we ever thought we would have to. We grew tired of generating minimal production and profits. We did not close the gap with standard chemical farming practices. Through our own experiences, we have come full circle. When we went back to the basics, we were able to build an entire Animal System that we guarantee results when used correctly. Our Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® Animal System is unique in that it will work. We guarantee this experience. We needed a safe alternative with superior results, and that is what we developed.
Like you may have, we have tried many “silver bullets” over the years. We have journeyed down the chemical route further than we ever thought we would have to. We grew tired of generating minimal production and profits. We did not close the gap with standard chemical farming practices. Through our own experiences, we have come full circle. When we went back to the basics, we were able to build an entire Animal System that we guarantee results when used correctly. Our Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® Animal System is unique in that it will work. We guarantee this experience. We needed a safe alternative with superior results, and that is what we developed.
Limits are only for people who set them. If there are no real, measurable results, then the proposed ‘change’ or ‘product’ is worthless. Results that do not improve production and solutions that do not pay for themselves are useless. We are not in the business of managing problems. High mortality, parasite, disease, low overall health and production, high floor eggs and thin egg shells, heat stress, feed efficiency and high conversion issues, poor gut integrity, low fertility, poor meat quality… these are not our business model. We are farmers for farmers. We are results driven. Results that can be guaranteed. Results that are consistently repeated. Results that are visible and almost immediate, nearly every time, within 48 hours not weeks when you farm max-i-mal on the Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® Animal System. [23]
The Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® Animal System will yield your highest profit and production through the minimization of stress coupled with our Grand Champion PME® Solutions. We will lower your animal feed intake, or our solutions are free. [24] Eden Solutions is humbly rooted in Scripture. Jeremiah 33:3 [25] is the foundation of what we built our Blue Gold™ Animal and Plant Systems on. We describe our Systems through the Amazing Results they have generated as the Results genuinely speak for themselves. If you desire a more profitable way to farm, consider farming max-i-mal with Eden Solutions.
The Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® Animal System will yield your highest profit and production through the minimization of stress coupled with our Grand Champion PME® Solutions. We will lower your animal feed intake, or our solutions are free. [24] Eden Solutions is humbly rooted in Scripture. Jeremiah 33:3 [25] is the foundation of what we built our Blue Gold™ Animal and Plant Systems on. We describe our Systems through the Amazing Results they have generated as the Results genuinely speak for themselves. If you desire a more profitable way to farm, consider farming max-i-mal with Eden Solutions.
[1] Mayo Clinic, June 2011
[2] Virus Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract of Poultry by James S. Guy, Department of Microbiology, Pathology and Parasitology, College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27606
[3] Cellular Delivered Nutrition, Correct Lighting, Ammonia Reduction, Manure and Water Filtration
[4] Schlemmer, U.; Frølich, W.; Prieto, R. M.; Grases, F. (2009). "Phytate in foods and significance for humans: Food sources, intake, processing, bioavailability, protective role and analysis" (PDF). Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. 53 Suppl 2: S330–75)
[5] Klopfenstein TJ, Angel R, Cromwell G, Erickson GE, Fox DG, Parsons C, Satter LD, Sutton AL, Baker DH (July 2002). "Animal Diet Modification to Decrease the Potential for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution". Council for Agricultural Science and Technology
[6] On the Trail of the Elusive X-Factor: A Sixty-Two-Year-Old Mystery Finally Solved by Christopher Masterjohn for The Weston A Price Foundation for Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and The Healing Arts
[7] Pubmed PMCID 1201989, NCBI Biochem J
[8] Berkner KL, Runge W. The physiology of vitamin K nutriture and vitamin K-dependent protein function in atherosclerosis. J Thromb Haemost. 2004; 2(12): 2118-32
[9] Pubmed PMCID 3836217, PMCID 5510277
[10] PMCID 23025745
[11] PMCID 5017964
[12] Mycotoxins can come from the air, water, drift from fields, grains, and overall agriculture
[13] Takagi T et al. Coronary atherosclerosis in swine induced by a mild dietary excess of (synthetic) vitamin D. Nutr. Rep Int. 1983;28:1111-1118
[14] The electronics in fluorescent bulbs and light emitting diodes (LED), rather than ultraviolet radiation, cause increased malignant melanoma incidence in indoor office workers and tanning bed users by Samuel Milhama and Dave Stetzerb
[15] “Today, we are facing both a food crisis and a public health crisis. They are inextricably linked, as we now know. Affordability of fresh, nutrient-rich foods is a serious challenge that many people face, while the long-term effects of glyphosate and other pesticides on the human immune, reproductive, and nervous systems are just beginning to be discovered. Over 1,600 chemicals are currently being used in pesticides in the U.S — the overwhelming majority of which have not been tested for long-term effects on humans.” (Source: John Hopkins School of Public Health)
[16] Pubmed PMCID 26947692
[17] Man-made electromagnetic fields have been associated with all the so called diseases of civilization including cancers.” -Milham S. Dirty electricity; electrification and the diseases of civilization. second ed. Bloomington, Indiana: IUniverse, Publisher; 2012
[18] Estimation of efficiency of Graham/Stetzer filter at influence of a low-frequency electromagnetic field of 20 kHz on development of chicken embryos by Yu.G.Grigorjev, A.L.Vasin, and A.V.Merkulov
[19] Contact us to talk more about the fiber we recommend: 877-732-5360
[20] Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® Ph.D. Study Proven Better Than Leading Antibiotic BMD/50gt. Decreased feed intake 9.11% better, decreased FCR 6.96% better, decreased mortality 7.31% better, increased weight gain in broilers 2.77% better. Read study here.
[21] Dr. John Bergman D.C.
[22] When a bird is stressed and then becomes inflamed its response to correct itself is by manufacturing cortisol from the pure fatty acid running adrenals
[23] This is entirely dependent upon stress accumulations; but 24-48 hours is when majority of our customers see visible change
[24] This is subject to the terms and conditions of the sales agreement. The guarantees disclaimer is detailed here.
[25] Jeremiah 33:3: Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
[2] Virus Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract of Poultry by James S. Guy, Department of Microbiology, Pathology and Parasitology, College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27606
[3] Cellular Delivered Nutrition, Correct Lighting, Ammonia Reduction, Manure and Water Filtration
[4] Schlemmer, U.; Frølich, W.; Prieto, R. M.; Grases, F. (2009). "Phytate in foods and significance for humans: Food sources, intake, processing, bioavailability, protective role and analysis" (PDF). Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. 53 Suppl 2: S330–75)
[5] Klopfenstein TJ, Angel R, Cromwell G, Erickson GE, Fox DG, Parsons C, Satter LD, Sutton AL, Baker DH (July 2002). "Animal Diet Modification to Decrease the Potential for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution". Council for Agricultural Science and Technology
[6] On the Trail of the Elusive X-Factor: A Sixty-Two-Year-Old Mystery Finally Solved by Christopher Masterjohn for The Weston A Price Foundation for Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and The Healing Arts
[7] Pubmed PMCID 1201989, NCBI Biochem J
[8] Berkner KL, Runge W. The physiology of vitamin K nutriture and vitamin K-dependent protein function in atherosclerosis. J Thromb Haemost. 2004; 2(12): 2118-32
[9] Pubmed PMCID 3836217, PMCID 5510277
[10] PMCID 23025745
[11] PMCID 5017964
[12] Mycotoxins can come from the air, water, drift from fields, grains, and overall agriculture
[13] Takagi T et al. Coronary atherosclerosis in swine induced by a mild dietary excess of (synthetic) vitamin D. Nutr. Rep Int. 1983;28:1111-1118
[14] The electronics in fluorescent bulbs and light emitting diodes (LED), rather than ultraviolet radiation, cause increased malignant melanoma incidence in indoor office workers and tanning bed users by Samuel Milhama and Dave Stetzerb
[15] “Today, we are facing both a food crisis and a public health crisis. They are inextricably linked, as we now know. Affordability of fresh, nutrient-rich foods is a serious challenge that many people face, while the long-term effects of glyphosate and other pesticides on the human immune, reproductive, and nervous systems are just beginning to be discovered. Over 1,600 chemicals are currently being used in pesticides in the U.S — the overwhelming majority of which have not been tested for long-term effects on humans.” (Source: John Hopkins School of Public Health)
[16] Pubmed PMCID 26947692
[17] Man-made electromagnetic fields have been associated with all the so called diseases of civilization including cancers.” -Milham S. Dirty electricity; electrification and the diseases of civilization. second ed. Bloomington, Indiana: IUniverse, Publisher; 2012
[18] Estimation of efficiency of Graham/Stetzer filter at influence of a low-frequency electromagnetic field of 20 kHz on development of chicken embryos by Yu.G.Grigorjev, A.L.Vasin, and A.V.Merkulov
[19] Contact us to talk more about the fiber we recommend: 877-732-5360
[20] Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® Ph.D. Study Proven Better Than Leading Antibiotic BMD/50gt. Decreased feed intake 9.11% better, decreased FCR 6.96% better, decreased mortality 7.31% better, increased weight gain in broilers 2.77% better. Read study here.
[21] Dr. John Bergman D.C.
[22] When a bird is stressed and then becomes inflamed its response to correct itself is by manufacturing cortisol from the pure fatty acid running adrenals
[23] This is entirely dependent upon stress accumulations; but 24-48 hours is when majority of our customers see visible change
[24] This is subject to the terms and conditions of the sales agreement. The guarantees disclaimer is detailed here.
[25] Jeremiah 33:3: Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.