In 2014, a promising year began as Eden Solutions started a test of its amazing and revolutionary BlueGold® Solutions on a marginal chemical block of Missouri soil. The land went to yield unprecedented results. This is a standard soybean field *before* testing. Notice last year’s corn crop fodder is laying all over the top of the soil between the soybean plants. This exhibits the chemical imbalance present in the soil, creating a marginal soil. In this aspect, the soil biology is low, dead, non-active or all the above. All notice the un-decayed corn stalks in the middle left of the field. Planted on May 15th, these Pioneer Y-22 beans are a short variety only designed to grow 2 to 3 feet tall according to Pioneer Seed. This photo was taken on June 22nd just before the first Eden Solutions were applied. Notice the yellowing and bunt leaves from a herbicide treatment only four days prior.