Untreated Lawn Transformed With BlueGold® Solutions – BlueGold® by Eden Solutions

Untreated Lawn Transformed With BlueGold® Solutions

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Untreated Lawn Transformed With BlueGold® Solutions

This backyard was never treated until this when BlueGold®. Using the BlueGold® with amazing results only 5 days later! The front yard has been treated twice and looks amazing! This BlueGold® customer used our BlueGold® Base Blend and BlueGold® Fusion VEG. Both the Base and VEG are concentrated solutions with a shelf life of 3 years.
Achieve fast results with our BlueGold® Base Blend and BlueGold® Fusion VEG for a lush deep green lawn/turf. Both these Solutions are 100% Natural and NOP Compliant (please contact certifier before use), free of harsh and caustic chemicals, GMOs, PGRs, toxins, and more. Our customers have experienced weed control, crabgrass control, broadleaf weed control, treatment of brown patches in their lawn, lawn fungus diseases, grass fungus diseases, and tree diseases like cedar rust, lawn treatment for grubs, and overal natural lawn care when they use our solutions properly with balanced nutrition. Our solutions will not harm people, animals, plants, trees, bushes, shurbs, ornamentals, vines, florals, beneficials, bees, birds, butterflies, earthworms, etc. A little goes a long way with BlueGold® Solutions. You must reduce your current chemical and synthetic inputs (lawn fertilizer, grass fertilizer, foliar fertilizer, all purpose fertilizer, etc). by 90%, because our Solutions enhance their the abilities greatly!
All life begins with the soil. We cannot say this enough. BlueGold® Solutions are designed to jam as much water and as many nutrients (as safely as possible) into the soil as possible. Because the average soil is mostly nutritionally dead from lack of biological activity and Carbon and Petro locked out nutrients (incorrect polarities). Many soils are so abused with tillage of topsoil loss and chemical onslaught. BlueGold® Solutions are here to correct this problem.

Soil is a living organism that needs care all year long. The BlueGold® Solutions are impressively effective when foliar and soil fed, which induce the lawn to grow deeper roots and pull up nutrients more efficiently. Simply, it makes soil nutrients rush into the lawn (via the roots) mining the soil very effectively; which is an excellent thing as long as nutrients are being inputted to replenish the soil. Customers with marginal soil health that use the BlueGold® Solutions and get excellent results instantly. Then later on production falls off and the pest(s) and disease(s) return. This happens only when the nutrients were not put back into the soil in a balanced manner. This means the soil is beaten up and needs more than just our Wetting Agent Solutions to increase nutrient availability in the soil.
Continuously, with tuned up soil, proper pH and plant sap, and balanced nutrient ratios our growers are experiencing the Amazing Results we are known for. For almost a decade, BlueGold® Solutions have been improving soil health and water availability, without the use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or biocides.

We eagerly work with any BlueGold® customer to adjust their protocols and provide soil analysis to ensure continued balanced nutrient inputs. If you would like to discuss your specific soil problems before purchase BlueGold® Solutions, we would love you to please contact us. We will happily walk you through our Solutions simply and efficiently so you can be a 100% satisfied BlueGold® grower. We are here to help you in any way we can. We offer a satisfaction guarantee* for this reason.

Please note that weed pressure is the direct result of poor soil. The more deficient the soil, the higher the weed pressure. The less organic soil matter and biology the more elevated the weed pressure.

*Subject to terms and conditions of the sales agreement

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