Achieve fast results with our BlueGold®
Base Blend and BlueGold®
Fusion VEG for a lush deep green lawn/turf. Both these Solutions are 100% Natural and NOP Compliant
(please contact certifier before use), free of harsh and caustic chemicals, GMOs, PGRs, toxins, and more. Our customers have experienced weed control, crabgrass control, broadleaf weed control, treatment of brown patches in their lawn, lawn fungus diseases, grass fungus diseases, and tree diseases like cedar rust, lawn treatment for grubs, and overal natural lawn care when they use our solutions properly with balanced nutrition. Our solutions will not harm people, animals, plants, trees, bushes, shurbs, ornamentals, vines, florals, beneficials, bees, birds, butterflies, earthworms, etc. A little goes a long way with BlueGold® Solutions.
You must reduce your current chemical and synthetic inputs (lawn fertilizer, grass fertilizer, foliar fertilizer, all purpose fertilizer, etc). by 90%, because our Solutions enhance their the abilities greatly!