BlueGold® FX (Silica Enhanced Wetting Agent) (OMRI Listed) – BlueGold® by Eden Solutions

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BlueGold® FX (Silica Enhanced Wetting Agent) (OMRI Listed)


BlueGold® FX is a nutritional spray against poor crop health conditions [i.e., pest and disease]. When the first signs of poor crop health conditions appear, we recommend a foliar of 32oz per acre with enough water to cover the entire crop to a drip. This can also be considered a maintenance dose; you can go as low as 12-16oz per acre. If you already have increased signs of pest or disease, foliar 45oz per acre. During a nutrient management crisis, foliar 64 oz per acre. You must coat the crop to a drip; this is vital.

If you use this Solution in a small grow, you can use 3oz per gallon at the first signs of pest and/or disease with a 0.5-1oz per gallon maintenance dose. If you already have increased pest and/or disease symptoms, increase the rates to 4-5oz per gallon. If pest and/or disease demolish the plant, increase the rates to 6-7oz per gallon.

Depending on the severity, you may need to repeat for 2-3 foliars and then follow with the maintenance daily or at least 3x per week. During poor crop health conditions, we highly recommend an Apical Sap Test to pinpoint and correct the root cause vs. focusing entirely on the symptom(s) [i.e., pest and disease].

If you already have BlueGold® Base Blend and BlueGold® Silica on hand, you can make BlueGold® FX yourself (see below).

32oz ratio: 23oz Base and 9oz Silica
1-gallon ratio: 93oz Base and 35oz Silica
2.5-gallon ratio: 232oz Base and 88oz of Silica


Fire Extinguisher with Iodine (superior choice but not NOP compliant) can be found here.

Recommended foliar pairings: Super Carb, Percolate, Injectable Calcium Silicate, and/or HCF. If you need a Wetting Agent for seed germination or frost/freeze/heat protection, use Base Blend.

All Eden BlueGold® Solutions are 100% formulated, made, and manufactured in America by a family-founded, owned, operated, and Veteran-led business.

For more information on BlueGold® FX, please call us at 1-307-275-7010 or email
For LTL & FTL freight rate quotes, please contact


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Wetting Agents are a proven crop management tool. Wetting agents, or surfactants, make water wetter, thereby increasing water penetration into the soil deeper and broader. As Agriculture’s most used carrier liquid, water mixes with materials infinitely more efficiently when water tension is reduced using wetting agents. Additionally, as the water penetrates deeper and broader into the soil, the nutrients it carries also penetrate deeper and broader. This gains an immediate benefit in reduced runoff and reduced burn-off of nutrients, and in the case of soil with proper biological levels, the nutrients are taken deeper straight to the biology and quicker, more efficient processing.

Additionally, wetter water is known to break down salt and petrol bonds and more quickly hydrate dry soils. Unfortunately, most wetting agents on the shelf today are formulated from harsh, caustic detergents or ethoxylated surfactants. These introduce harsh pH solutions into your soil or combat your reservoir pH levels. Additionally, these types have questionable safety concerns.

Please note that Wetting Agents, like Base Blend, ‘mine’ the soil and help bring nutrition up through the root system. You must put back into the soil what the plants take out in their growing cycle, or the yields, results, and immunity will taper off.



Silica (Si), referred to on some labels as Silicon or Silica Dioxide, is a soil element associated with plant cellular structure, electrical exchanges, and nutrient-to-nutrient ionic bonding. Silica increases plant rigidity, immunity, light absorption, and fruit size. It also aids in heat and moisture stress tolerance. It has also been associated with correcting Hollow Stem Syndrome and increasing nutrient uptake.

It is the most abundant element in soil, and yet it is referred to by plant biologists as a “non-essential beneficial plant nutrient.” This is equivalent to the mentality of recognizing there are over 90 periodic elements essential to “perfect” growth and yet stating you can grow “perfectly” with just only three of them (NPK) until the end of time. This incorrect mentality that has led to the lowest vitamin and mineral content in crops in the history of mankind is the same that led us to build the BlueGold® System of products to grow plants at maximum potential through the power of proper nutrition.



We created this ‘custom blend’ for a single grower initially fighting Powdery Mildew in grapes. They dubbed it the ‘Fire Extinguisher’. It become so popular, we are offering it to everyone.

Our BlueGold® FX undergoes our trade secret Eden Synergy micronization process which maximizes immediate bioavailability and combines our OMRI Listed BlueGold® Base Blend & BlueGold® Silica with our flagship BlueGold® technology. We process BlueGold® FX with zero chemicals, acids, or solvents of any kind.



For best results, this product must be used in conjunction with a proper Soil and Sap Test Analysis and applied according to test results for the crop type, crop height, and PPM change required. Properly balancing nutrients by simultaneously lowering all excess and raising all deficient nutrient PPMs is critical to long-lasting beneficial results in any crop.

Agricultural and Horticultural crops: Apply 32 oz foliar per acre with enough water to cover plants to a drip. 45 oz foliar per acre when issues are exhibited. 64oz foliar per acre as an emergency rate to address nutrient management crises. For use in smaller environments, use 0.5-1 fl. oz. per one gallon of clean water. If by fertigation injection, 8 to 16 fl. oz. per acre. If by aerial, 32 to 72 fl. oz. per 5 gallons of water used per acre. If by pivot or wheel line, apply at 100% ground speed, then resume normal ground speed watering. This product is not a plant food ingredient and should only be part of a comprehensive nutrient management program. It can be applied in all weather conditions, including rain and extreme heat. The best spray time is early morning when dew is present. Rates subject to excesses, i.e., salts, chlorides, metals, sulfur, etc.



With any BlueGold® Solution, you must cover the entire plant to a drip (fruit, leaves [especially on the bottom], stalk, stem, super-structure, etc.). Spray pressure and nozzles change as the growth changes on the crop throughout its growing season. Your field spray operator needs to spray 50′ or so. And we highly recommend getting off and inspecting the coverage, digging through the canopy, and then adjusting the pressure or nozzles as necessary. Many growers make the big mistake of not double-checking the application results. A few moments to check IS the difference in saving or losing a crop. BlueGold® can only work on a crop as well as it is applied. We recommend TJ60-8010VS nozzles and has an 80-degree fan and sprays 1 gallon per minute. Lesser degrees (example 60) have heavier droplets, so the wind does not interfere with the spray and is primarily meant to spray the soil. The 80-degree nozzle has a finer mist, so the droplets bounce all over and get optimum foliage coverage on a foliar spray. Lesser degrees can also require higher pressure (for example, 90 PSI) to get full function, and our recommendation requires 30-60 PSI (2-4 bar).

If you have questions about your equipment and how to properly use it with BlueGold®, we are happy to help advise: 1-307-275-7010.



BlueGold® FX is an OMRI-listed Input (please contact your certifier before use). Rates depend on the PPM change needed. We recommend Apical Crop Science Soil and Sap testing. 

Do not use with synthetically enhanced or grow media with excesses of Na Sodium, Chlorides, Aluminum, Sulfur, Magnesium, Potassium, NO3/NH4, Iron, and Boron with BlueGold®. We strongly recommend avoiding ocean-based products high in Na Sodium, Chlorides, and other salts with our Solutions and Sulfur-based products, salt, and heavy metal humus, manures (primarily commercial), and composts (especially mushroom, dead animal, etc.), etc. These inputs are upside down with excesses. The BlueGold® Grow System is based on balanced Nutritionals. By itself, BlueGold®, at recommended rates using Apical Testing, will not harm ANY crop, plant, biology, system, human, animal, environment, pollinator, or beneficial (including birds, butterflies, earthworms, etc.)Do NOT combine with pesticides/chemicals/plant cleaners/etc. Very recent or current use of chemicals like fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, algaecides, bactericides, miticides, pesticides, biocides, fumigants, plant growth regulators, pH Up/Down chemicals, dyes, etc., – all can cause an unfavorable interaction due to the Wetting Agent properties of BlueGold® Solutions, which can magnify the strength of said chemical. Strengthened doses of those chemicals can result in direct stress, burning, or death of plants. BlueGold® Solutions by themselves, at recommended rates, without chemical interactions, will never cause these issues in any plant or soil (when used as directed)Users must respect BlueGold® labels and manufacturer warnings to not combine with chemical/synthetic/excess element inputs by +/- 90%. It is the user’s choice against our directions/recommendations. If you encounter problems in the plants from the previously mentioned by your choice, STOP. If you quickly move the pH to 6.4 with the help of pH adjusters, without adjusting inputs, you’re drastically making inputs more available, which results in stressed, burned, or dead plants from too big of a hit from the nutrients that are now available at a much higher % than previously. This is especially true when all the chemical/synthetic/excesses stored up flood the plants at even higher EC/PPM values. Likewise, if you do not adjust inputs while using BlueGold®, as soil/sap pH is driven to 6.4, the same can happen over an extended period depending on soil and watering conditions. Store in a cool place.

As the manufacturer, we offer a 100% Guarantee when used as directed, within the Eden Guaranteed Grow Program. A limited guarantee restricted to exclusive use with BlueGold® products and systems subject to the Apical soil, sap, water testing conditions, and Postal damages. No warranty or fitment of purpose promised.

Weight 9 lbs
Dimensions 7.2 × 5 × 10.6 in

32oz, 1 gallon, 2.5 gallon


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