Eden Solutions BlueGold® Solution Customer Support


General Blue Gold™ Questions

1Where are Blue Gold™ Solutions made?
100% American Made
2Do you ship Blue Gold™ Solutions internationally?
We can ship internationally using FedEx. The customer is responsible for the shipping cost. We are not liable if customs rejects or confiscates the product. Please call us on 1-877-732-5360 or email office@edenbluegold.com if you have questions about ordering Blue Gold™ Solutions outside the USA.
3Are Blue Gold™ Solutions Certified Organic?
BlueGold® Solutions are approved through USDA Certifying Agencies for use in Organic Programs (example: CDFA, OMRI, PCO, etc.). Please contact your certifier prior to use.
4Are Blue Gold™ Solutions safe for skin contact?
Yes, they are safe! Blue Gold™ Solutions are not harmful to skin, however, if contact occurs be sure to wash afterward to avoid dry skin. The saponins inside the Solutions will strip the oils off your skin and leave it too dry (itching) with prolonged contact to the skin from concentrate.
5How do I store Blue Gold™ Solutions after I open them?
For storing after use, it is good to leave the cap slightly loose to allow venting and additional fermenting to make the Blue Gold™ Solutions more powerful. Always store them in a cool dark place.
6Can I purchase larger quantities of your Blue Gold™ Solutions?
Yes, any of our solutions can be sold larger sizes such as: 2.5 gallon, 5 gallon, 55 gallon drum, 750 gallon tote, etc. Please email us requests to office@edenbluegold.com.
7"Are any of your products created with any animal by-products? I'm looking for products that would be considered Vegan and Organic."
The Blue Gold™ Solutions are plant, mineral and, ocean-based solutions with NO animal by-products except for the NPKs which do have bird and bat guano in them.

General Plant Questions

1How do you use Blue Gold™ with synthetic chemicals including fertilized soil?
All Blue Gold™ Solutions have the ability to magnify anything they are mixed with or come into contact within the soil, water, or on plant leaf surfaces. Very recent or current use of chemicals like fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, algaecides, bactericides, miticides, pesticides, biocides, fumigants, plant growth regulators, pH Up/Down chemicals, dyes, etc., - all can cause an unfavorable interaction due to the Blue Gold™ Solution magnifying the strength of said chemical. Strengthened doses of those chemicals can result in direct stress, burning, or death of plants. Blue Gold™ Solutions by themselves, without chemical interactions, will never cause these issues in any plant or soil (when used as directed). Users must respect Blue Gold™ labels. We do not recommend the use of synthetic chemcials with Blue Gold™ Solutions, espeically pesticides. If by USER CHOICE to use chemical inputs by combining with Blue Gold™ they must be reduced by 90% or more. We still do not advocate mixing Blue Gold™ with any chemicals. This all only applies to chemical-based products and does not apply to organic based products except for humic and fulvic acids as they are already in the Blue Gold™. If you feel you need more, then start at the reduced rate of 90% and test on a few plants first. If you have sprayed or applied granular chemicals to your plants/soil lately or previously we suggest the following steps: 1) Hose plants/soil down with clean water at least 3 separate times and 2) use the foliar/root rate of any Blue Gold™ Solution at 80% less of the recommended Blue Gold™ foliar base rate application for the first 3- 4 applications. Blue Gold™ works and works very well in all organic situations with no side effects. If you encounter problems in the plants from the chemicals by your choice; then STOP.
2Is there a preferred time of day Blue Gold™ Solutions should be applied?
Blue Gold™ Solutions can be sprayed at any time of the day or night. The absolute best time we have found is in the early morning when the dew is present. But, Blue Gold™ Solutions are safe to apply in all weather conditions, hot or cold, day or night, and it’s OK to spray before, during, or after the rain. The best results are achieved when foliar applications are immediately or a few hours after a root soak (and/or fertilizer input using reduced rates, 90% less). Regardless of the time, Blue Gold™ Solutions will not cause root rot, induce mold, or wilt plants if used during “traditional do-not-spray hours.
3Should I wait to use Blue Gold™ Solutions until after the rain?
Blue Gold™ Solutions work very well in the rain. They will help your soil take max advantage of the rain increase their ability to store the water!
4Does it matter what the pH of the water for the foliar spray?
Successful growing is always led first and foremost by using the correct pH on the roots and foliar’s, as you well know. We have learned that pH is merely the measurement of resistance. The higher the pH, the greater the resistance and the lower the pH, less resistance. We have found that a 6.4 pH will allow more nutrients to pass to the plant because of the lower resistance at 6.4. We have seen time and again that operations which only change to a constant 6.4 pH, see incredible changes. We have non-caustic pH Up and a pH Down Solutions as well.
5Are Blue Gold™ Solutions safe for bees?
Yes! All, Blue Gold™ Solutions are safe for bees, butterflies, beneficials, earthworms, birds, etc. They attract them! They will not harm animals, plants, children, etc. In all our years of study and research with the Blue Gold™ Solutions we have yet to see any beneficial insect that does not just love the Blue Gold™. Most people will comment that the increased amount of bees, butterflies, ladybugs, praying mantis, etc. start showing up after they start applying the Blue Gold™ Solutions! Citrus Grove customers have sent us videos of this is with mega butterflies and bees that invaded after applications were made. This video shows how the birds flocked and flew right into the Blue Gold™ foliar sprays as they are applying them. Most all growers/farmers also comment how all wildlife seem to come like a magnet to the Blue Gold™. We have seen deer cross a 400-acre field in broad daylight to get to the barn that held the alfalfa hay grown on the Blue Gold™ Alfalfa Blend which the farmer testified that has never happened before in his 30+ years on that farm. We also have had people tell us that they fed the Blue Gold™ to bees by their own decision (not advised by us) and the honey production increased by 90% or better! So according to all our data and customer testimonials, we say it is safe. See more of animals loving Blue Gold™ Solutions in our gallery and across our social sites.
6What is the fizz when I open the Blue Gold™ Solutions?
The Blue Gold™ Solutions area biologically alive saponin solutions, for use as a wetting agent. Because we preserve the inherent plant microbiology, pressure can slightly build in the Blue Gold™ bottles, which then vent through a special vented cap seal we use. But, if the carrier is extremely rough with your Blue Gold™ bottle, sometimes there can be a slight leakage, or it will want to burp and/or fizz out the top when you first open it. To avoid leaks, never shake your Blue Gold™ container. Only roll side to side to mix, if needed. Most people pour it in an empty bucket first and then add the water, which will cause it to foam up. We recommend to always add the Blue Gold™ Solution to water, never water to the Blue Gold™ Solution to avoid foaming.
7What is the shelf life of Blue Gold™ Solutions once they are opened?
The government and labeling laws limit how long body/animal/plant beneficials are allowed to have a “shelf life” of, and we are required to put a 1-year shelf life on the label. Unofficially, we have the product used on company soil and systems that have been sitting for many more years. We have found that Blue Gold™ Solutions are like wine, the longer they age, the better they perform.
8My Blue Gold™ Solution has a strong smell. Is this normal?
Blue Gold™ Solutions (Wetting Agnets) are made from plants and minerals. They are biologically alive solutions that contain naturally occurring bacteria and enzymes. A biologically alive solution will have a mild odor, but most of our customers tell it to us that it smells earthy and very plant-like. It should have a potent/strong earthy plant-like smell.
9Can I use Blue Gold™ Solutions through harvest?
Yes, you can use all Blue Gold™ Solutions up till the day of harvest.
10Why does the 'other side' of the NPK equation matter?
Most people do not know that the other side of the NPK equation! Take 7-21-0 structure, for instance. The other side of the equation is:

100 - 7 = 93 100 - 21 = 79  

93-79-0 is usually filler usually derived from the swimming pool chlorine industry. It is a by-product NaClH2O from the manufacturing process, which they have a hard time getting rid of so they put it in everything especially the drinking water and fertilizers.

General Animal Questions

1Why is animal pH important?
A general definition of ‘pH’ is potential hydrogen. However, a more scientific and accurate understanding is that pH stands for ionic resistance. The lower the pH, the lower the resistance, and the higher the pH, the higher the resistance. Understanding pH is critical to pet’s health and how ‘active’ they are. In our research, and the studies of many reputable professionals have indicated the perfect pH level in the saliva and urine is 6.4. Using this knowledge we have achieved phenomenal results with increased feed conversions. Feed conversion is how efficient your pet converts the food into usable nutrients and energy. Your pet’s saliva is a direct mirror image of their liver bile aka their enzyme manufacturer. The pH level of urine is a mirror image of the processed or outgoing nutritional average pH value. Both these sources should match a 6.4 pH. This is where Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® excels, in that is messages the pH to 6.4 throughout your pet’s entire body over time. The measure of pH is unique: 3/10ths is a huge difference. For example, a pH of 6.1 is 300% lower than 6.4. A pH of 7.4 is 1000% higher than 6.4. A pH level below 6.4 is a sign that macro-nutrients are missing in your pet’s food, while a pH above 6.4 is a sign that micro-nutrients are missing in your pet’s food. A 6.4 pH resistance is your pets optimal nutritional balanced zone.
2Why is gut health essential for nutrient uptake?
Gut health is essential for nutrient uptake, the efficiency of which is directly related to disease prevention, immune function, and quality of life. Healthy animals will eat properly and drink more to live a happier life, naturally assuring they are performing at their maximum potential! Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® focuses on supporting animal performance by promoting good bacteria, deterring bad bacteria, remediating viral conditions, toxins, pathogens, parasites, and diseases, building and boosting natural immune defenses, and maximizing overall growth and health efficiency. Gut stability is critical for raising pet’s that have an amazing quality of life! Required from birth onward, attentive care and support of your pet’s gut is needed to maintain healthy microflora in their intestinal tract. An optimum digestive function is achieved when nutrients supplied do not counteract with stomach resistance (pH) and microbe levels. Digestive energy is the driver of digestive activity, and cannot occur in biofilm, resistance (pH) imbalances, and immune functions are below optimum levels. Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® promotes healthy microbial levels, particularly "fiber digesters," which are responsible for utilizing non-protein nitrogen. Digestive health cannot be supported and cared for too much. It is an essential factor for optimum pet health. Research has shown that many digestive disorders occur when partly digested nutrients are passed through the gut to the lower intestinal tract. This is an indication of a failure to digest and uptake the feed, resulting in deficient nutrient levels, lowered immune functions, and decreased production. A build-up of this feed in the lower gut is a breeding ground for disease and harmful organisms. By correcting digestibility through Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® and its inherent properties, which deter the growth of diseases and harmful organisms, the gut microflora can improve and achieve a right balance. Many of our users report this fantastic enhancement!

Blue Gold™ Base Blend Questions

1Is Blue Gold™ Base Blend plant food?
The Blue Gold™ Base Blend is a surfactant, or as the Department of Agriculture calls it, “a wetting agent” in various States. It is designed using herbs, minerals, sea extracts, clays and rare plant oils and extracts. By this method, this product is not caustic or an extreme pH. Surfactants, by their nature, make water wetter, thereby allowing water to penetrate deeper and wider into the soil. There is a severe prolonged dehydration issue plaguing our soils today. The cause and reason is a debatable subject, but when a wetting agent is used, the treated water can penetrate deeper and wider, enhance water hydration of the soil and plants! Wetting agents can specifically help nutrients penetrate membrane walls more efficiently, while also helping to reduce nutrient lockup in the soil induced by chlorides, petrochemicals, and low organic matter. Blue Gold™ plants see a significant increase in BRIX as a direct result of increased water availability and precise nutrient input. The BRIX is the plant’s natural pest and disease defense and is also directly related to the quality of the harvest. The Blue Gold™ Base Blend starts a chain reaction in the soil and the plants! Please do not hesitate to call us on 1-877-732-5360 or email office@edenbluegold.com anytime so that we can go over your application methods with you and help you achieve the best Blue Gold™ results! Azure Standard, the country’s largest organic to home market, has doubled and even tripled crop production on the Blue Gold™ Plant System; using our products as stand-alones. Have you ever seen a 6″ salad radish or cherry tomatoes the size of clementines? Our Blue Gold™ solutions wetting agent and micronization technology. Surfactants comprise our lungs and are also responsible for cell repair. It took us a long time to understand how they work with the plant DNA, and just how vital the source is. Please call us on 1-877-732-5360 or email office@edenbluegold.com for any questions or concerns! Our time is yours! We are here to help all our users understand the technology to help better serve our loyal customer base.
2Does Blue Gold™ Base Blend contain micronutrients that are chelated?
We have improved the dissolving of metals without the need for chelation. The Blue Gold™ Base Blend has been laboratory proven to reduce chlorides by 2000%. The Blue Gold™ Base Blend is a wetting agent tool that can be used to increase the efficiency of other inputs, such as micronutrients, but it is not itself a plant food product.
3Does Blue Gold™ Base Blend contain silica?
4Is Blue Gold™ Base Blend high nitrogen, high potassium, or high phosphorus?
The Blue Gold™ Base Blend is a wetting agent. It does not carry an NPK rating, but your plants will respond as it had if the soil conditions are correct, as water that penetrates deeper and wider in the soil lend a helping hand to low organic matter helping to move minerals to their proper locations within the first 12 inches of soil. Look at our Fusion VEG, Fusion FLOWER, or Certified Organic Worm Casting Concentrate for your NPK rating if that is what you desire.
5Is Blue Gold™ Base Blend safe for use in aquaponics and the fish in the aquaponic system?
We have tested Blue Gold™ Base Blend extensively with commercial fish systems containing Tilapia. To see what kind of additional growth rates we can add to the fish with the Blue Gold™. This was sprayed directly on the fish feed and then fed to the fish at a rate of 0.00105% (1m/l per 32oz of water). This rate exploded the fish growth and feed consumption. No adverse side effects were ever detected with this rate of feed ratios. The fish grew amazingly well. Now, you are in aquaponics, and other people have used the Blue Gold™ Base Blend for this, but we have never tested it directly. In saying that, foliar feeding the plants at the above rate would help as some will find its way into the water. We would not recommend placing the Blue Gold™ Base Blend directly into the water as the bottle rates as this is too high. A little goes a long way so always err on the side of caution and test and see. We did place isolated fish in buckets with air and feed at much higher rates and never encountered any adverse side effects. Please give James a call for further advice 1-877-732-5360 ext. 103 or email questions to james@edenbluegold.com.
6Why does Blue Gold™ Base make foam in my aquaponics?
Blue Gold™ technology has surfactant-like properties. In all cases, Blue Gold™ Base Blend is designed to be used in conjunction with Blue Gold™ Super Carb. Not only can the Blue Gold™ Super Carb provide a carbohydrate fuel for your microbial army, but carbohydrates reduce the foaming properties of surfactants. In a clean tank add 2 m/L of Blue Gold™ Super Carb, then add 1 m/L of Blue Gold™ Base. The Blue Gold™ Super Carb will cut the foaming. If you are using adjusted rates based on your protocol, then apply a base principle of twice the amount of Blue Gold™ Super Carb as the amount of Blue Gold™ Base. Foaming issues occur due to agitation or aeration. When using Blue Gold™ Base Blend, you do not need to aerate or agitate as often as you usually would. Generally, you can cut your aeration/agitation protocols by 50% to 90% depending on your reservoir size and level of nutrient input.
7Is Blue Gold™ Base Blend safe for nitrate sensitive plants such as blueberries?
Yes; it works exceptionally well on blueberries! Please email office@edenbluegold.com to see some plant sap analysis tests from multiple blueberry farms who use our Solutions. Please view our 'Berries' portfolio as well.
8When using Blue Gold™ Base with hydroponics, will it provide all of the nutrients needed or do I need an additional product?
When used alone, the first benefit is that Blue Gold™ Base Blend can, as a wetting agent, reduce the inputs of whatever program you are currently using (by up to 90%). We have many commercial and smaller hydroponic farmers using Blue Gold™ Base Blend combined with Blue Gold™ Super Carb (our biology) and our pH Up and pH Down solutions, but we have a product called Fusion: VEG or FLWR to generically provide plant food ingredients. They are NPKs (and many many more nutrients) that is in a paste form that will dissolve quickly in water.
9Does Blue Gold™ Base help with root rot?
Yes. Surfacted water can be most effective at treating root rot when nutrients used with it are properly adjusted and a Carbohydrate, like our Blue Gold™ Super Carb, is also used.
10Will Blue Gold™ Base help with seed germination?
Yes, it be used with seed germination techniques! The practice of soaking seeds is well known, and surfacted water is "wetter" allowig for better penetration into seeds. It is safe to foliar feed newly germinated seeds and sprouts every day at a rate of 1 tsp per 1 gallon of water. To increase seed germination rates, it is beneficial to soak your seeds in the Blue Gold™ Base Blend at a rate of 1 Tsp per 1 gallon of water mixture for 15 to 45 minutes just before planting. You can increase your success with transplanting plants with an immediate foliar and root application. It is beneficial to spray your garden soil during the winter months in preparation for spring planting. Blue Gold™ Base Blend can be sprayed on top of snow up to ten times over the winter for soil preparation. Solutions used to properly balance nutrient have repeatedly shown better frost/freeze resistance and extreme heat resistance. See examples of nutrient dense plants exhibiting better frost and freeze resistance in our Results Gallery.
11Can Blue Gold™ Base be used in the desert at an average of 90+ degrees?
Yes! We have many customers who are using Solutions in Florida, Arizona, New Mexico, California, and many other hot climates. They are harvesting in the hottest months. You can view some photos in our Results Gallery.
12Can you use BlueGold® Base in vermicompost systems?
Yes! Just spray soil or compost inputs as you build in layers at 5m/L per gallon.

Blue Gold™ Super Carb Questions

1Does Blue Gold™ Super Carb contain nitrogen?
No, Blue Gold™ Super Carb is a unique blend of carbohydrates, like molasses and several rare plant sugar extracts.
2Is Blue Gold™ Super Carb a blackstrap molasses?
Yes, Blue Gold™ Super Carb is made with certified organic blackstrap molasses and infused with other Carbohydrates like Tapioca, Coconut, Maple, Sugar Cane Juice. This molasses/carb product is saponin enhanced, rather than using a questionably safe detergent to reduce solidification during cold temperatures, which can also help with soil/media penetration. The saponins are derived from: Aloe, Angelica, Bhringaraj Leaf, Black Cumin Seed, Brahma/Gotu Kola Leaf, Butchers Broom, Calendula, Chamomile, Cardamon, Comfrey, Dandelion Root, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Ginger, Ginseng Root, Hibiscus, Moringa Leaf, and Yucca Root. Some clay and mineral deposits are used for the stabilization and composition changes of this product but are not claimed as part of the ingredients.
3Would Blue Gold™ Super Carb be suitable as a foliar spray for plants on an aquaponic system?
The Blue Gold™ Super Carb at 1-2 m/L would be excellent for an aquaponics system. Depending on what you are growing, the Blue Gold™ Base Blend at 1 m/l along with the Blue Gold™ Super Carb will drive the plants very well on the foliar. Please be careful what you mix with the Blue Gold™ Solutions in the way of synthetic chemicals as it will amp them up pretty good (like all wetting agents will do) so you have to cut them back by 90%. Call us on 1-877-732-5360 ext. 103, and we can walk you through our two-year research on fish systems with the Blue Gold™ Solutions.
4Can you use Blue Gold™ Super Carb in aquaponics with live fish?
We have always run the Blue Gold™ Base Blend formula with fish. This formula has always performed well with the fish whereby the fish would grow at faster rates with no known side effects ever seen at 0.18 to 0.40 maximum m/L per gallon of the reservoir. We have not run Blue Gold™ Super Carb with any aquaponic fish system, so we cannot answer that question thoroughly. The Blue Gold™ Super Carb contains about 8% of the fish safe Blue Gold™ Base Blend formula and a host of other natural carbohydrates if that helps any.
5Does Blue Gold™ Super Carb make the water smell bad?
If the water gets hot, the bacteria will multiply faster, and yes this could cause the water to take on a smell. However, it will not hurt the plants, but the increased biological activity will help the plants. Most hydroponic growers have chillers hooked up to the water reservoirs to keep the nutrient temperatures lower. Remember, the Blue Gold™ Solutions are alive, and biological multiplication happens more readily in warmer temperatures. This is still a good thing for nutritional delivery.
6I’m using Blue Gold™ Super Carb together with Blue Gold™ Base on my deep water set up. But it’s turning the water brown and killing the roots. Why?
No Blue Gold™ Solution will kill the roots, plants, or flowers, etc. It has just the opposite effect with snow white, vibrant, soft and pliable roots; always has, as wettings help with proper water penetration/uptake and known for new root growth. (Please view our root portfolio.) So the only major problem is one of two things. Something else (chemical?) is in the reservoir solution or the rates that you are using are too high. In DWC this has always been a problem when people use the Blue Gold™ with chemicals and not cutting them back or using too much of the Blue Gold™ Solution? Blue Gold™ Solutions will amp up anything they touch that is why we say you MUST cut your nutrients by 90% minimum to start off if you are going to use the Blue Gold™ Base Blend with synthetic fertilizers, which we do not advocate but this is user choice. We would suggest that you flush your system immediately for 1 day on just water and then refill with clean non-chlorinated water and then add 1 m/L to 2m/L of the Blue Gold™ Base Blend per 20 gallons of water along with 2 m/L to 3m/L of the Blue Gold™ Super Carb per 20 gallons of reservoir. You also may add 1 tablespoon of Mag-Sul per 20 gallons also. This will kick-start the plant roots back on the right track. Then they will want to start eating again, so then you can feed up. Use 5m/L to 10m/L of the Blue Gold™ Base Blend on a foliar feed 3-4x per week also with the same m/L of the Blue Gold™ Super Carb. This will get the plants back. Please pick up and call us on 1-877-732-5360 ext 103 or email questions to office@edenbluegold.com anytime and we can help when a situation arises. DWC makes plants run differently and is harder on them than soil. If you are using chlorinated city water, please let it sit for a few days to evaporate the chemicals otherwise the chemicals are very hard on the plants. We think the issue was your choice of higher Blue Gold™ rates for DWC are or were way too high in conjunction with other inputs. 1m/L will run them per 10-20 gallons, but let’s start off smaller to get them back.  We apologize for the unforeseen troubles, but a quick flush and they will be screaming back.
7Can you use Blue Gold™ Super Carb as you would a rooting hormone?
If you’re using clone cuttings you have to be careful not to use too much of the Blue Gold™ Base Blend and/or Blue Gold™ Super Carb or the plant will keep growing and not spark the roots. We have found this out in our testing. For clones or rooting; cut clones and immediately soak in a bath of 1-2 m/L of the Blue Gold™ Base Blend per 1 gallon of clean water. Score the stem and then dip in cloning gel. Now mix 225 PPM of the Fusion VEG NPK Paste into the cloning water or aero cloner type set up. Use a chiller to keep the water temp down, and the clones will spark amazing roots very quickly with strong, limber big thick roots. As the bottom is going on foliar feed the tops of the clones with 1 m/L of Blue Gold™ Base Blend and 2 m/L of the Blue Gold™ Super Carb. This will get you amazing clones on any type cutting we have found. Contact us, and we can send you some eye-popping photos of amazing clones.
8Do I need to flush my system when using Blue Gold™ Super Carb?
No, Blue Gold™ Super Carb can be used through all vegetative and flower growth stages as well, so there is no need to flush your system.

Blue Gold™ Fusion: NPK Paste Questions

1Is Blue Gold™ Fusion ok to use with other organic fertilizer?
You can use any Blue Gold™ Solution with ‘any’ all natural / organic nutrient with no side effects. All our Solutions are safe to use on all plants and with other fertilizers BUT they do maximize the ability of fertilizers and other inputs (as they contain wetting agents) so we recommend to use as little as 10% of other inputs with our solutions and/or you may not need the full rate of what you are using. Please call us on 1-877-732-5360 or email office@edenbluegold.com if you have questions with this. If you follow the directions and bloom the Fusion will stretch the bottle to around 500% more use out of it. A little goes a long way with this as it is so potent of a concentrate.
2What is the Fusion Paste equivalent to a cup of granular NPK fertilizer?
This depends on what NPK rating you were considering matching (example: 5-8-3). So it is all math: If you use the example of 4-6-4 in a 237g sample (approx 1/2 LB), that is telling us that you are getting the following: 4% Nitrogen (9.48 grams) 6% Phosphate (14.22 grams) 4% Potassium (9.48 grams) So for every cup at 8oz (237 grams) of this ratio, you are getting the percentages above of that 237 grams: 4-6-4. If you use the Fusion according to this 4-6-4 ratio, you would need 4oz (118 grams) teaspoons of the Fusion per gallon of water. The Fusion is double the amount of the above ratio. Please err on the side of caution with the Fusion rates because it is so much more concentrated and also carrying wetting agent properties. Start off at 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon per 5-7 gallons of water for the root of foliar feeding. Watch the plants, and they will tell you how they like the rates. If they like it, they go to a deep green almost instantly if not within the first hour. Please call 1-877-732-5360 ext. 103 with any questions anytime, and we will get those desired results you are seeking.
3How do I bloom my Blue Gold™ Fusion?
Blue Gold™ Fusion is potent in concentrate form. PLEASE err on the side of caution. Indoor/Outdoor Grows can stretch this super concentrate paste for greater use. Depending on your water you may get 2-9 feeds out of one mix tank. What we mean is that the paste will bloom nutrients (higher PPM) biologically as the reservoir sits over time. Fill the container to 50% +/- with water, add paste to desired PPM/EC, cover, and let sit 24 hrs. +/-. The PPM/EC will bloom up. Now add water to back down the PPM/EC to the desired feed level. Add clean water back to bloom tank level again. Let sit again and repeat the process until the feed tank PPM is gone. The container may smell but will not hurt any plant; this is a beneficial biological reaction. Start off with 1 tablespoon per 2-5 gallons of water for root/zone feeding the plants. For best results always root feed when the zone dries out or when they need watering and foliar feed the plants after you root feed with Blue Gold™ Base. Your strain(s) may require less or more PPM/EC of paste. The more you feed the product, the more explosive growth you will see happen. So start small then dial up the feed amounts to the optimum PPM/EC. As always, please call us on 1-877-732-5360 ext. 103 with any questions or concerns before guessing, to achieve those Amazing Results that you desire. For lawns and turf use at 1 tablespoon per gallon will achieve that deep lush green look. Our NPK Paste products are designed for root/zone feedings, any plant, tree or shrub.

Blue Gold™ pH Up/Down Questions

1What is the best water source to use with pH Up/Down?
Water is water, correct? It surely is not. City water contains all or some of the following: ammonia, chlorine, chloramine, fluorides, perchlorates, and hydrofluosilicic acid to name a few. If you do not have rainwater, distilled water, or reverse osmosis (RO) water, let your city water sit for 24-48 hours or more to evaporate some of the chemicals and then run through a carbon filter before you add your nutrients and feed the plants. The conductivity of the water is critical; the lower the conductivity, the more nutrient transferability the water exhibits.
2Will Blue Gold™ pH Down work in hydroponic nutrient mixing tanks? Wouldn't consider it 'clean water’?
Blue Gold™ pH Down is primarily meant to be used in hydroponics! We suggest clean water (such as spring or reverse osmosis, or well water) because it gives a much better foundation, to begin with. City water has many contaminants that must be "buffered" by the Blue Gold™ pH adjusters. The more correction, the less Blue Gold™ "power" is being ionically used to adjust water pH! This is perhaps a bit too much critical thinking as we have many commercial hydroponic growers on city water and Blue Gold™ Solutions getting phenomenal and unprecedented results. Regardless of your water source, it is strongly advised to clean out a nutrient tank before beginning the use of any new product so as not to initially reduce the benefits of the product on first use as your system's organic build-up adjusts/clean-up/etc. The Blue Gold™ pH adjusters are also being successfully used in pool and hot tub treatments, removing the need for shock treatments and constant pH adjustment.
3What is the power of 6.4 pH and water pH?
The industry puts little importance on resistance (pH) because we believe it does not fully understand it. The world’s definition of ‘potential Hydrogen’ (pH) can arguably be stated as simply a matter of “resistance.” All grow problems start with water, nutrients, soil, and a plant sap resistance (pH) that is below 6.3 or above 6.5. Problems will continue to magnify the further you migrate away from the balanced water/soil/sap resistance (pH) of 6.4. We have learned this over many years of research and development from the school of disaster and success. At this 6.4 resistance (pH), the availability of nutrients is in abundance rather than being locked out by improper dielectric resistance levels. Think of this like magnetics. When the proper dielectric magnetic field strength is applied around the magnetic relationships between nutrients, harmony occurs. However, when an improper magnetic field is (think too strong or too weak) applied to around the magnetic relationships of nutrients, disharmony and disorganization will occur resulting in some nutrient values being unable to pair and react with one another properly. This disharmony means your nutrients are unavailable to the plant; a little or a lot, but still unavailable. This may make more sense: ‘your hard earned money just went down the drain.’ Now you have to buy more nutrients. Each 1/10th of resistance (pH), for example, 7.0 to 6.9, represents a 100% difference. The difference between 7.0 and 6.0 is 1,000%. The exact proper water/soil/sap resistance (pH) is vastly significant in any environment, and simply cannot be treated lightly. With 6.4 being used as the marker for the perfect balance of resistance for elemental relations (nutrient to nutrient dielectric pairing and interaction), your nutrients become exponentially less available the further you move away from the nutrient water, soil and plant sap resistance (pH) of 6.4. So, “close” does not count in the game of resistance (pH), instead, it spells huge disaster and painful headaches. Using potent and caustic traditional pH adjusters can make this attention to dielectric resistance (pH) an even more difficult task, requiring high daily administering dose rates that put significant strains on the plants and impede root nutrient uptake. Also, these heavy chemical acids can separate from the liquids and fall out towards the bottom of the reservoir causing a lower pH at the bottom of the tank and a higher pH at the middle/top of the tank. Test this for yourself. High salts first impede Calcium, high chlorides first lockout Phosphate. Ever wonder why the industry cannot pound enough Calcium and Magnesium to the plants; with a resistance level of 5.9 to 6.1, these are the first to go, along with Potassium and available Salts. NOTE: If you do not manage your water/soil or plant sap resistance (pH); it will manage you, and you will not like the results. This is the single most important simplistic foundational principle to successful growing. We want you to be to be successful at every level of your grow operation, no matter how big or how small or if this is your first grow or your 10,000th grow. Ever wonder why the bugs and disease show up out of nowhere it seems and why they seem unstoppable and keep coming? Because the plant sap pH is not at 6.4. Let us, please help you to understand better the why, where and what of 6.4. Plant sap resistance (pH) above 6.4 usually indicates missing micronutrients. Plant sap below 6.4 usually indicates missing macronutrients.
4What should I know before using pH Up/Down?
Blue Gold™ pH Down and Blue Gold™ pH Up are very powerful in moving the dielectric resistance (pH) down with very small amounts of the product added. ALWAYS err on the side of caution when you lower the pH of your nutrient tank for the first time. We do not want you to pass up 6.4 by going too low and then having to raise it back up. Be patient with it. If you put it in the tank and run to 6.4 then come back in 15-45 minutes, you may find it crept down 0.2 to 0.3 tenths more. So follow the directions below and initially wait for 24H to see where/how it works with your chemicals / organic inputs and water. We have consistently seen the pH hold stable for up to 3 to 7 days with a 600-1000+ PPM chemical or organic solution range IF a bubbler is NOT used, and using JUST a tiny circulatory pump or wooden mixer and then let sit. The oxygen (anionic charge) caused by the bubbler will displace the Hydrogen charge and cause the resistance (pH) to bounce and/or creep up on the meter. We highly recommend no bubblers (aeration) at any time with this solution if you want the resistance (pH) to hold. Always pre-test the Blue Gold™ pH Down and/or Blue Gold™ pH Up in a smaller container (see instructions) and with your organic or chemical nutrients for at least 24H prior to adding to your system. It is safe, non-caustic (keep away from natural cloth fibers, it likes to eat them) and very gentle on you, the plants, roots, and the environment. Ever wonder where all the acids and chemicals go when they are sent down the drain or toilet? They all eventually end up in the oceans of the world. Think green.
5How do I use pH Up/Down with aquaponics?
Blue Gold™ pH Down and Blue Gold™ pH Up are fish safe when used in conjunction with clean water with a low PPM count below 200. This indicates that a tiny amount will be needed such as 5-10 m/L per 15-20 gallons of water. If you place Calcium type stones in the ponds or fish tank water, you will be forever fighting this resistance battle. Choose your rocks or stones that maintain a close resistance to 6.4 to 6.7 and the stones will help self-adjust the water along with the proper aquatic plants. Then you need very little or no resistance (pH) adjusters. Harsh chemicals can cause the fish to barrel roll. All fish require differing resistance (pH) than plants.
6How do I use Blue Gold™ pH Up/Down?
1) First test all below with a 1 to 5-gallon bucket, to calculate how much you will need, to get to the desired 6.4 pH sweet spot. 2) Fill the bucket/reservoir. (If city water is used let it sit for 1-2 days to evaporate some of the chemicals off and carbon filter it.) 3) Add all your nutrients to the water, up to your desired EC / PPM level and stir with a wooden stir stick. (A wood stir stick will not give off a charge capacity liken to a metal or plastic stir stick which can hinder your nutrients.) 4) While stirring or circulating, dribble in, by syringe or eye dropper, a measured amount of the Blue Gold™ pH Up/Down till you reach the 6.4 pH (resistance). 5) Now let sit idle after mixing or circulating by a pump for 24H to see how your nutrients hold with the Blue Gold™ pH Down / Blue Gold™ pH Up at 6.4 pH. 6) You may need to adjust the resistance with your nutrients less or more after the 24H period to grab the 6.4 pH sweet spot. 7) Now the known correct amount will remain the same every time if your water conductivity remains stable. 8) Unless your water resistance or nutrients change then re-test the bucket system to learn the desired amount again. 9) NOTE: Our best success is with Blue Lab Wire to Probe Resistance (pH) Meters. Pen meters seem not as reliable as probe meters. 10) NOTE: 6.4 resistance (pH) is our empirical data sweet spot. It is merely our scientific suggestion for you to verify usability in your grow. NOTE: We are incredibly laser-focused on our customer’s satisfaction, needs, and feedback. Our goal is always 100% customer satisfaction, no matter the cost. We hope this helps a lot. Please call us on 1-877-732-5360 or email office@edenbluegold.com anytime with any question or concern that may arise? Thank you for your continued support. All Blue Gold™ Solutions are made in America using the best ingredients we can purchase or available.
7Will Blue Gold™ pH Down work in koi ponds and plants in a pond?
Great Question! In all our years of testing and studies, we have found no detriment to any fish or plants using the Blue Gold™ pH Down (or pH Up). We have customers who use this in aquaponic situations, and Hydro growers use this to maintain there plant pH levels also. This product works amazingly fast and well to reduce water pH when the water PPM/Conductivity is low. This is where it will lock it in, and at this rate, it takes just drops per gallon of water. Depending on how far you want to drop the pH and what your conductivity levels are? So, yes there is no detriment to the fish or the plants with low water PPM's. Blue Gold™ pH Down is a safe hydrogen formula when used as directed. We have had customers comment when using this with fish they do not experience the deadly barrel rolling of the fish as they have with caustic acids when lowering the pH water levels. One caution: when lowering water pH with this product with higher PPM/conductivity levels. Example: your PPM is 270, and you want the pH at 7.0, and the water pH is at 7.9. You add a small amount, and it goes to 7.3 and sticks after that adding some more. You keep adding and all of a sudden it crashes to 6.0. So always err on the side of caution when adding larger amounts of pH Down to the water. Put a little in and come back in an hour and it will eventually creep down. Patience is the virtue here as you are lowering a pH. When it gets where you want depending on the PPM's it will usually always stay there depending on the water quality. If you have city water; still let the city water sit for 24-48 hrs. so most of the chemicals will leach out into the atmosphere? Hope this helps! Instructions for Aquaponics on the insert included with every purchase: "Blue Gold™ pH Down is fish safe when used in conjunction with clean water with a low PPM count below 200. This indicates that a tiny amount will be needed such as 5-10 m/L per 15-20 gallons of water. If you place Calcium type stones in the ponds or fish tank water, you will be forever fighting this resistance battle. Choose your rocks or stones that maintain a close resistance to 6.4 to 6.7 and the stones will help self-adjust the water along with the proper aquatic plants. Then you need very little or no resistance (pH) adjusters. Harsh chemicals can cause the fish to barrel roll. All fish require differing resistance (pH) than plants.”
8Can I use Blue Gold™ pH Down to lower the pH in a 30,000-gallon pool?
Yes, but there is a need to understand some elements first. pH is so crucial to keeping the water condition correct and not spending so much money on chemicals all the time. If the pH is off in a Marcite type pool finish the Calcium will be drawn out of the Marcite wall finish material. This happens in part because the Boron is off from the Calcium. If the Boron (Borax) is at 1 part to 300 parts Calcium, the water will be much more stable. So, in saying all this if your water is balanced the pH will hold very strong and long and you will not need the adjusting all the time. The pH Down is very powerful and does not take much to sink and hold a pH depending on water quality. We have it in pools and spas and when the water quality is understood, and balanced our solution becomes your best friend in the pH shuffle game. Call us on 1-877-732-5360 ext. 103 with any questions anytime.
9Can Blue Gold™ pH Adjusters be used with soil?
Yes, we have many customers who use this on their soil.
10Can I use Blue Gold™ pH Down to reduce the pH of planting soil before planting acid-loving plants like blueberries? Can I use it to irrigate as well?
Yes! Take your water and lower the pH (resistance) to the desired water pH level and place in/on the soil. CAUTION: Depending on your soil composition and structure you will need to test the desired pH (resistance) level of the soil as you are progressing lower. However, we believe just by watering with the desired pH level it will pull the soil to the mixed water pH level ratio. We have had great success with the Blue Gold™ Base Blend on blueberries through fertigation and foliar applications.
11I'm growing blueberries and my soil pH is about 6.5-7 and would like to lower it to about 5. After I mix Blue Gold™ pH Down with well water and stabilize it at 5 pH, will it lower my soil pH level to 5 when I water it? If yes, for how long given that I don't over water?
That is a more complicated answer than yes/no. Most all information out there tells of blueberry soils to be a resistance (pH) of in the low 5’s? This is a very dangerous move if you do not know what is in your soil composition? Because this move will lock out Ca/Mg/K and Available Salts in the soil to the tune of around 90% un-available because of the drop to 5.0 pH. This drop in soil resistance (pH) will also start to drop the plant sap resistance (pH) in the sap flowum of the plant and further Lock Out nutrients. We work with the largest blueberry grower in Oregon, and we very successfully grow at a close 6.4 soil/sap resistance (pH). Along with other blueberry growers around the country. So with all that said: YES, the Blue Gold™ pH Down will lower the soil pH to most likely wherever you want it to go depending on the soil composition? Simply mix with well water and water the plants. BUT you will have to monitor the mixing and lowering of the pH with a meter or a meter with a slurry testing method? Some meters you stick in, and it tells you like the Blue Lab soil probe. Be careful not to pass up the 5.0 as the soil resistance (pH) may keep creeping down depending on the soil composition? It could take 1 to 5 watering’s to get it there depending on the soil composition? Once it is there, you may need to use the pH Down periodically to keep it there depending on soil conditions? If you have a high Calcium ratio and a low Phosphate ratio, it will want to creep back up, and the plants will tell you they ‘do not’ like this imbalance. Most all the resistance (pH) mixing and soil adjusting depends on the PPM content (particulate) of your water. The cleaner the water the better the pH Down works; just like all adjusters.
12On instructions it says not to use if over 200 PPM. Mine is going to be over 200 PPM. What happens?
"All water sources are differing mostly from the chemical concentrations that are being relentlessly put into the system; it is the biggest factor that our Solutions work by. So, if you are above 200PPM, it will just move/displace the Hydrogen a little more. It will work, but we have found that it works better with the lower the PPM. We have seen some city water at over 900 PPM, and it pushes the Hydrogen around. No harm to the plants it just can hinder the workability of the product because the PPM is usually always in a synthetic form from municipal water sources. Please call us on 1-877-732-5360 ext. 103 with any questions or concerns, and we can quickly get you through it."

Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® Questions

1What animals has Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® be used with?
Has been used safely with: Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Ferrets, All Rodents (Gerbils, Hamsters, Chinchillas, Rats, Mice, Guinea Pigs), All Birds (Canaries, Parakeets, Corvids, Parrots), All Poultry, Reptiles (Turtles, Lizards, and Snakes), Cows, Goats, Pigs, Sheep, Lamb, Horses, etc.
2What is in the Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME®?
All ingredients are NOP Compliant and FDA approved for GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe), for animal consumption. We do not use fillers, additives, or harsh chemicals to formulate this product. It is made from natural herb and mineral sources, only. We cold process manufacture this product. We strive towards safe, effective, and wholesome products. We believe that "if it is not safe enough for people, then it is not safe enough for our dear pets". A full list of ingredients will come on the insert inside the box when purchased. Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® is a hydrotrope concentrate formula made from all-natural sources, for a superior water supplement: Herbals - Aloe Leaf, Aloe Cape Leaf, Angelica, Anise, Arrowroot, Barberry Root, Barley Seed, Bee Pollen, Beet Root, Bhringari Leaf, Black Cumin, Blueberry, Brahm/Gotu Kola Leaf, Bromalein, Butchers Broom, Cacao Beans, Calendula Flowers, Calendula Petal, Chamomile, Camu Camu, Cardamon Seed, Chaga Mushroom, Chlorella, Comfrey Leaf, Coconut Flour, Coconut Palm Sugar, Cranberry Fruit, Cumin, Dahlia Pinnata, Dandelion Root, Echinacea Ang, Echinacea Pupa, Elecampane, Essiac Tea, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Ginger, Ginseng Root, Golden Seal, Graviola, Hemp Protein, Hibiscus, Hyssop, Indigo, Jasmine Flower, Kola Nut, Lambs Quarter, Lavender Flower, Lavender Seed, Lucuma, Maca Root, Mandrake Root, Mangostein, Milk Thistle, Monk Fruit, Moringa Leaf, Moringa Seed, Muira Puama, Mushroom Maitake, Mushroom Reishi, Mushroom Shitaki, Napal Catus, Neem, Neem Powder, Nettle Root, Olive Leaf, Oregano Leaf, Pennyroyal, Peppermint, Plantain, Pygeum Bark, Red Clover Tops Powder, Red Clover Leaf, Red Clover Seed, Rice Hull, Saigon Cinnamon, Shavegrass, Spilanthes, St. Johns Wart, Thyme, Woad, Wormwood, Yucca Root. Ultimate SuperFood: Acai, Noni Fruit, Mangosteen, Maca Root, Amla, Spirulina, Pomegranate, Sea Buckthorn, Ashwagandha Root, Alfalfa Leaf, Chlorella, Goji Berry Extract (50% Polysaccharides), Green Papaya, Cordyceps Mushroom, Bladderwrack, Stevia Extract. Kelps – Alaria (Alaria esculeneta), Bladderwrack Kelp (Fucus vesiculosis), Bull Kelp (Nereocystis luetkna), Dulse (Palmaria palmate), Hijiki (Sargassum fusiforme), Icelandic Kelp (Blend of North Atlantic: Laminaria hyperborean, Ascophyllum nodosum, and Laminaria digitate), Irish Moss (Chondrus cistus), Rockweed (Ascophyllum nodosum), Kombu Kelp (Saccharina latissimi), Nori Organic Sushi Kelp Sheets (Porphyra supp.), Pacific Ocean Sargassum (Sargassum muticum), Sea Lettuce (Ulva lactuca), Sea Palm (Postelsia palmeformas), Gigartina (Gigartina papillata), Sea Fern (Cystoseirea osmudacea), Kelp Fronds (Nereocystis leutkeana). Mosses - Icelandic Moss, Reindeer Moss, Snor Moss. Fresh Harvested Herbs - Black Mission Fig, Coconut Embryo, Coconut Pulp, Duckweed, Laurel Flower, Pine Cone, Purslane, Water Cress, Chitin. Clays - Attapulgite, Bentonite, Sea Clay, Glacier Bay, Illite Orange, Illite Tan, Jordanian, Moroccan, Red Lake Earth, Redmond, Rhassoul, Rose Kaolin, White Kaolin. Oils - Neem, Moringa, Avocado, Apricot, Fir Needle, Pine Needle, Siberian Pine Nut, Black Cumin, Baobab, Coconut, Olive, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Palm, Melaleuca. Extracts – Diamond K (Certified Organic Potassium & Sulfur), Fulvic Acid, Coconut Amino, Aloe Gel, Yucca Root, Joshua Cactus Root, Coconut Vinegar, Kudzu, Honey, Molasses, Coconut Syrup, Maple Powder. Mineral Sources - Activated Coconut Carbon (steam process), Bamboo Carbon (steam process), Hardwood Carbon (non-activated), Azomite, Calcium, Colmanite, Cornwall Stone Clay, DE SiO2, Dolminite, Soft Rock Phosphate, Humic Powder, Kelzyme Powder (Certified Organic Carbonate), Lava Rock, Magnatite, Montana Grow (Certified Organic Silica), Fulvic Powder, Rutile Dark, Rutile Light, Ulexite, Volcanic Ash, Zeolite, SeaCrop (Certified Organic Ocean Nutrient Soup), Sea of Cortez Salt, Dead Sea Salt, Kelp-IT (Certified Organic Ascophyllum nodosum), Kelp Grow (Certified Organic Kelp Extracts), Sea Plant, Ocean Solutions (Certified Organic Ocean Nutrients). These ingredients are precursors in a very complicated but cold mechanical process where they are converted into a sub-micron hydrotrope solution for a supercharged solution of zwitterionic and amphoteric hydrotropes for use in water purification and enhanced hydration efficiencies in combination with herbal and mineral supplementation.
3What is the rate of the Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® for a mouth drench?
You may drench any animal at ½ teaspoon (2.5 m/L) per 1oz (30m/L) of clean water per 100 pounds of body weight. Drench can be applied in mouth or rectum or both at the same drench time (slick the rectal syringe). Do not feed the concentrate contents directly to any animal. We recommend Steam Distilled Water.
4How do you store Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® once it is opened?
A cool area away from direct sunlight. In your cabinet is perfectly fine! Some people prefer to store in their refrigerator. All are fine as long as it is cool and out of direct sunlight.
5Does Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® work as a tapeworm dewormer?
Tapeworm(s) or Cestoda(s) are parasitic creatures in nature. Research we have seen says that these types of parasites are prevalent because the animal body resistance (pH) is above 6.4 and usually is running above 7.3. When you lower the resistance at or close to 6.4 you see these types of parasites leave the system due to conditional changes that they (Cestoda) do not flourish in. It is simply like growing mold; if you want to grow lots of molds, keep the conditions dark and damp. If you want to stop the mold, keep the conditions light and dry. So bringing the resistance into a harmonious cellular balance of 6.4 changes the conditions for these types of parasites, which they do not like. Also, a healthy immune system is the best guard against these types of predators because a healthy immune system is in a relationship with a balanced resistance level. We believe this all starts with clean, healthy proper nutrition and cellular delivery. Our studies also show that the Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® can move the resistance (pH) among other things. As always consult your health care provider as the governing agencies have not evaluated these statements.
6Is Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® supposed to be dark in color and have earthy like smell?
Yes it is! Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® is comprised mainly of herbs and minerals!
7Where is Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® manufactured?
We manufacture Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® right here at home in America.
8Can I put this in the horse’s feed? The water tank holds 30 to 50 gallons and it does not seem feasible to put 30 tsp of product in the water tank with fish in it.
If you have the concentrate Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME®, the rate is 2.1 m/L per gallon of drinking water. 50 gallons x 2.1 m/L = 105 m/L divided by 29.57 = 3.55 ounces = 21 teaspoons. You can take 1 teaspoon which is 5 m/L and mix with say 55 m/L of water = a 60 m/L syringe and dribble over the feed for the horse. The Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® loves water to bond with so if you can add the 1 teaspoon of Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® to 3-4 ounces of water and sprinkle over the food it would work better. OR place the 1 teaspoon of Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® in say a gallon of water after they eat and let them suck down that gallon with all the Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® in it. This would be a better delivery system.
9Can Apple Cider Vinegar be used with the Blue Gold™ Grand Champion® product? I have a small flock of 8 hens and 1 rooster. I'd also like to know how much to use as a drench for one bird?
You do not need to supplement the ACV; but if you feel you need to, you want very small amounts of it per gallon along with the Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME®. The Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® contains Apple Cider Vinegar already. The drench could be 3 drops in 5-10cc. You can drench both ends also from other growers who have done this. Also, you can mix 5-10cc in a spray bottle and foliar spray the chickens, pen, nest, and waterier. This will help greatly. Please call with any questions anytime.
10Can you explain your animal nutritional supplement: Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME®?
A simple way to understand supplements and nutrients: If it is not water soluble, it is not available. Period. This is key for any nutrient absorption across membrane barriers. Solid feeds can only reach optimized nutritional absorption rates when your pet’s stomach acids, biology, immune system, and body pH are in perfect harmony and at proper levels. An imbalanced digestive and immune system will cause higher levels of undigested feeds, resulting in lower feed conversions. In addition to the above, one of the most significant issues plaguing digestion in animals today is intestinal biofilm, which directly inhibits proper absorption of nutrients. Biofilms are groupings of anaerobic bacteria that grow in the stomach lining and G.I. tracts. Once they reach maturity, they break off into multiples (like dandelion seeds when you blow on them), and attach to more areas of the lining/tracts to grow more biofilm. Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® washes away these harmful biofilms from your pet’s digestive system to enhance their gut health and digestion processes.
11What is the best water source to use with Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME®?
Water is the most important element on earth but is said by many scientists to be the least understood. If your water pH is off by 1000% (7.4 vs. 6.4), this means the overall pH level of the animal will be significantly affected and hinder the ability to achieve the proper resistance (pH) of 6.4. for proper nutrient conversion. When your pet’s drinking water source is adjusted correctly, the proper ionic resistance can be obtained much more easily allowing the animal’s digestion to maximize food digestion and nutrient absorption. The most important factor is that City Water sources should be avoided at all costs, as the chemicals used to ‘purify’ the water, negatively affect ionic digestion efficiency in an extreme way. Spring or Well Water sources are optimal. Alternatively, for small water consumption levels by pets, you can use Steam Distilled Water or Reverse Osmosis water. In these small environments with clean water, we have seen great success with adding ½ teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar to 1 gallon of clean water, then add the Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME®. Our pets love this recipe very much. Cellular hydration in your pet is one of the main keys to health. A hydrated cell will carry more electrical energy than a dehydrated cell. This is one reason why you will see your pet’s water consumption go up when they are on the Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME®. Common chemicals found in City Water like Hydroflurosallicic Acid, Ammonia, Lead, Arsenic, Chlorine, Chloramine, Fluoride, Perchlorate(s), PCB’s, MtBE, Bromine to name a few are not beneficial to an animal’s body. We challenge you to research these for yourself to honestly see how your water source choice truly matters.
12Is Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® safe to use during animal gestation?
Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® is safe for all animal gestation periods, lactating, nursing mothers, nursing newborns, weaned animals, studs, and aging and young animals in any environment. Always have clean environments, clean equipment, and a clean water source (not City Water) for optimum results. Some common problems with gestation start with the protein supply during gestation. Microbial protein is the most efficient source of protein for your pet as its amino acid profile is very similar to that of milk. By promoting proper digestive microbial levels, and ensuring proper non-protein nitrogen (NPN) uptake, as well as amino acids and energy, milk production goes through the roof! It is essential to ensure consistent daily supply of NPN, and a failing digestive system cannot absorb this vital nutrient from the feed. By correcting the digestive biofilm health, the digestive function is optimized allowing for maximized health, fertility, and performance.
13How does Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® safeguard my animal?
Biology is at the root of all life on Earth! Safeguarding your animal starts with the quality of your feed and the management of bacterial growth in your pet’s feed and water, which in turn controls the growth of harmful or good bacteria inside your animals. Effective bacteria management is about addressing all the issues as one challenge. Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® is specifically designed to address these issues and help safeguard the health of your animal. Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® is intended to deter the growth of biofilm bacteria, and promote the growth of healthy bacteria. We believe a safe and healthy animal begins with Blue Gold™!
14How does Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® increase feed efficacy?
As feed costs represent the most expensive aspect for many owners, often accounting up to 70 percent of costs in owning animals, it is essential to make sure each bite of food is digested efficiently and turned into proper cellular energy! Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® helps to achieve efficient feed digestion through increased gut health and resistance (pH) balance. Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® is a proven safe and with no known side effects technology which works naturally with your pet’s digestive and immune system to stabilize digestive enzymes and good bacteria, resistance (pH), maximize nutrient absorption, and therefore reduce the overall cost of your pet’s food by causing your pet to eat less because they’re correctly absorbing the nutrition.
15Has Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® been Veterinarian tested?
Yes, Vets love Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME®! Here is one testimony: "My study and experience with Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® use in animals: Times are certainly changing for veterinary medicine compared to 1981 when I graduated from veterinary school. I work with companion animals now, but I did spend 4 years in a large animal practice dealing with mainly beef cattle. Many antibiotics were used at that time. Since then, and rightfully so, the regulatory agencies are trying to continue the outstanding production of food animal producers while simultaneously improving the health of the animals and the human population at large. There has been a lot of concern of drug resistant bacteria due to the widespread use of antibiotics in animals. Because of the slim profit margins, it has been difficult for growers to lose this option. The “Holy Grail” of food animal production is a product that can work even better than antibiotics, yet offer complete safety to the animals and the human population. I feel the Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® meets this criteria. It is a mineral/herbal supplement added in very small amounts to the water. It is very cost effective and easy to administer. I reviewed the Southern Poultry antibiotic test information and the independently determined study showed this supplement out performed antibiotics—a true win-win outcome. I have clients that are using the Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® in their backyard chicken operations and others using it on every animal they own due to the results they have seen. Again, I can not emphasize enough how excited I am about this product. As a veterinarian, I am pledged to help provide wholesome food production, while simultaneously protecting the health of the animals and the general public, the epitome of the “One Health Initiative”. A note on the use of the Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® in chickens. The flock is much more calm, they are not restless at all, thus improving their comfort and health.” -Terry “R” Wood, DVM, Mustang Veterinary Hospital, P.C., Mustang, OK (www.terrywooddvm.com)
16Does Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® help with animal fertility?
Even if reproductive organs have been removed/altered (or not) addressing this aspect is still essential to maintain a healthy animal! The nutritional management of animals has a direct influence on fertility performance, particularly in lactation. Often, fertility is an issue not focused on until the moment it is needed, but in reality, fertility is a process that starts with managing the quality of the embryo. Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® has been Veterinarian tested, and Independent Study proven to increase embryo and sperm counts significantly.
17Does Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® help with animal heat and dehydration?
Environmental and weather conditions can cause stress to your pet. This is not new information. We have covered nutrient issues quite well, which will cause stress when at improper levels. Another major stress factor is heat and dehydration. Carbon is the governor of water absorption. Even though your animals are drinking their water, their bodies can only hold so much. Carbon is the governing factor that dictates how much water your animals can store. Carbon is in every cell of their body (along with iodine). One pound of Carbon can absorb up to 5 pounds of water. By addressing the carbon levels of your pets through Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® (water and nutritional supplement with Carbon as an ingredient), proper Carbon levels are achieved allowing your pet to consume appropriate amounts of water and hold it more efficiently. Just like a healthy animal would not drink itself to death, a carbon imbalanced animal will not drink more than it can hold. This increase in water consumption allows for the animal’s system to more readily handle heat conditions while eliminating dehydration. Many users have verified this!
18Has Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® and Eden Enzymes been lab and field study tested?
Yes! Both, Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® and Eden Enzymes have been extensively field tested in poultry, goats, cattle, and swine. Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® and Eden Enzymes have been Independent and Third Party Lab Tested. Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® has also been study proven better than the world's leading antibiotic (BMD 50g/t) in a necrotic enteritis challenge at Souther Poultry Research Inc., overseen by Dr. Greg F. Mathis, Ph.D. Please contact us at office@edenbluegold.com to inquire about our lab and field studies.

Blue Gold™ Eden Enzymes Questions

1Regarding adding the Eden Enzymes to water: Is it best to do away with the larger water trough and only offer as much as the animal should drink in a day, or is it ok to keep a few days worth out at a time?
The Eden Enzymes can be injected into the drinking water system, placed in a larger water trough, or placed in a daily drinking container as per what the animal will drink each day. If you place in a larger water trough that may last a few days to a week, you do not want the water to be in the direct sunlight as it can degrade the Eden Enzymes.
2Should I use Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® instead of Blue Gold™ Enzymes or in addition to them?
Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® dietary supplement for use in water is designed to exponentially increase the hydration of cells, thereby increasing the overall oxidation response of the whole body (immune response). The increased hydration also increases the fuel to the mitochondria. Using just Blue Gold™ Grand Champion PME® will elevate the total immune system response (study proven) through increased hydration and oxidation, and thereby lowering stress levels as well; as we see in almost every case. Additionally, the wetter water is excellent at removing built up bio-film, which results in increased nutrient uptake thereby decreasing nutrient input while still increasing weight gain (study proven). The Eden Enzymes provides high doses of enzymes to enhance digestion, thereby increasing nutrition; and with increased nutrition comes significantly improved immune response. By using them together, you are compounding the best options not only to increase immune response but improve the overall health and production.
3What are the dosing instructions for Eden Enzymes?
For best results, mix doses with the animal’s drinking water. Proper doses are 10 m/L (1/3 fl. oz.) per 100 lbs of body weight. Eden Enzymes can be used with dosing medicator pumps for large-scale or used by hand to add to drinking water containers. Most users will experience immediate results within 24 to 48 hours.
4How do I store Eden Enzymes after opening?
For best results keep in a cool dark place and use within 1 year of purchase date. Do not store in the refrigerator, or in other forms of ‘cold’ storage. Protect from temperatures below 45°F.
5Can Eden Enzymes be mixed with poultry feed and if so, what rate per ton?
Yes, you can apply any of the Grand Champion PME® Solutions to the feed, and it will work. BUT the delivery efficiency of the Grand Champion PME® is 100% through the water (as it is lower through the feed) as it was designed to purify and deliver to the mitochondria this way. All our commercial growers apply the solution(s) into the water via a Stenner Injection Pump (our recommendation) but any other tiny (0.18 m/L to 0.54 m/L) per gallon of drinking water dosing medicator will work.    The Eden Enzymes work very well at feed conversion and other benefits, but our Grand Champion PME® (Southern Poultry Research Study Proven) has enzymes in them and a better bang for the value.

BlueGold® Animal Wash Shampoo Questions

1Does your BlueGold® Animal Wash Shampoo kill all flea life stages? How does it help prevent fleas?
The Animal Wash Shampoo does handle fleas. However, the only universally accepted method of handling fleas in the egg state are heat (steam cleaner) and the comb. Our Animal Wash Shampoo is specially formulated with properties that make an inhospitable environment for flea egg hatching. As recommended by all brands, you should still comb your pet for flea eggs. Our Animal Wash Shampoo not only will neutralize fleas, but any surviving or new female fleas are discouraged to breed due to the product's lingering qualities for 24-48 hours in most environments.

Our Animal Wash Shampoo is very soft and gentle and replenishing to pet’s skin and coat. I would wash them every 2-3 days or so for about two weeks. The skin will not dry out, and this will be an aggressive application rate to catch any and all hatchers before they can lay more eggs. The advantage here is that our shampoo is not a chemical or other metro-type product with a risk factor. We have show quality animal customers that have been washed daily.

Also, please remember to treat your home or pet location - most often the return of fleas is due to egg hatching from pet bedding, home carpets, etc. You can also wash the pet bedding in the Animal Wash Shampoo in your washing machine. It's safe and effective for all: ½ oz to 1 ounce per load.


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